Jobmonitor. Search results for job emergency-centre-officer

1 Jobs found for job emergency-centre-officer

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  • job emergency-centre-officerx
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
  • Company Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust in Wakefield

    We have vacancies within our Clinical Navigator team in the EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) and are looking for talented individuals. You would be acting in either the upstream or downstream position providing clinical oversight and support to all incidents within a specified area.Clinical Navigators are a key role within the EOC in ensuring the safety of waiting patients. They will be expected to use a variety of approaches based on the operating context at the time to mitigate any risk those waiting patients might be experiencing. This would include contacting the patient or their representative by phone or video link, considering the ordering of incidents waiting, utilising other providers, and identifying incidents that might benefit from a different response than a double crewed amb...

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