Jobmonitor. Search results for NTNU SENTRALADMINISTRASJONEN

14 Jobs found

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Displaying 1-14 of 14 results.
    17.05.2024 Updated on: 22.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the jobFor a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.We have a vacancy for a PhD Candidate within wind and digital twin areas at the Department of Marine Technology.We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to join our team in the project of “Digital twin for forecasting of power production to wind energy demand”. The successful candidate will work ...

    16.05.2024 Updated on: 22.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the jobFor a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.This PhD position is within the field of experimental materials physics and nanotechnology, in the project «Fabricating multilayer magnetic skyrmion TEM-membranes for nanoscale in-operando studies». Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale stable magnetic textures which move when a current is applied. Due to th...

    16.05.2024 Updated on: 22.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus on professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 44,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.About the jobThe Marine Structures Research group at the Department of Marine Technology is working with design, risk assessment, life span, fluid structure interactions and marine operations of marine structures exposed to waves, current and wind in the ocean environment, which is also exposed to climate changes. Among the applications of this work are environmental loads and structural response on offshore structures such as installations for oil & gas extraction, solar floats, floating wind turbines, subsea pi...

    16.05.2024 Updated on: 20.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You can find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.     About the jobThe postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.The period of employment of this position is 3 years. The position will be in the Thermodynamics group at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU, and also part of Porelab, which is a research centre of excellence within Porous media.PoreLab is a Norwegian Center of Excellence created ...

    11.05.2024 Updated on: 12.05.2024

    Dette er NTNUNTNU er et breddeuniversitet med en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil og et tyngdepunkt innen profesjonsutdanning. Universitetet er lokalisert i tre byer med hovedsete i Trondheim.På NTNU jobber 9 000 ansatte og 43 000 studenter med å skape kunnskap for en bedre verden.Om stillingenVed NTNU Eiendomsavdelingen, Seksjon for vedlikehold eiendom, er det ledig en fast 100% stilling som leder for Fagområde elektro. Vi søker en tydelig og inkluderende leder som er opptatt av å bygge gode relasjoner. Du motiveres av å bidra til utvikling og oppnå resultater sammen med andre.Fagområdet har ansvar for drift og vedlikehold av alle NTNUs elektrotekniske installasjoner i Trondheim.Ansvarsområder:-          Områdekonsesjon 12kV-          Beredskap høyspenning-          NTNUs installatø...

    09.05.2024 Updated on: 14.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You can find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the JobWe are looking to expand our team with a Researcher / Project Manager in architecture or urban planning, to explore and evaluate structures and methodologies that enhance societal readiness for the development of climate-positive cities and communities, drawing inspiration from the values and principles of the New European Bauhaus and further developing the CrAFt Cookbook for Climate-Positive Cities and Communitie...

    09.05.2024 Updated on: 14.05.2024

    Dette er NTNUNTNU er et breddeuniversitet med en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil og et tyngdepunkt innen profesjonsutdanning. Universitetet er lokalisert i tre byer med hovedsete i Trondheim.På NTNU jobber 9 000 ansatte og 43 000 studenter med å skape kunnskap for en bedre verden.Om stillingenEr du interessert i idrett, fysisk aktivitet og anleggene som gjør det mulig å drive med dette? Ved Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk er det ledig en midlertidig 100 % stilling som vitenskapelig assistent. Stillingen tilhører Senter for idrettsanlegg og teknologi (SIAT) ved instituttet. SIAT har et nasjonalt ansvar for utvikling og formidling av kunnskap innen idrettsanlegg og teknologi, og har ansvar for den nasjonale kunnskapsarenaen (GIA) hvor kunnskap om planlegging, ...

    09.05.2024 Updated on: 13.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You can find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the JobWe are looking to expand our team with a Researcher / Project Manager in architecture or urban planning, to integrate New European Bauhaus values and principles into financial decision-making processes for cities and communities.NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities has a large portfolio of externally funded projects in collaboration with public and private sectors, and cultural and grassroot organizations. We want to str...

    08.05.2024 Updated on: 12.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the jobAt the Department of Energy and Process Engineering we have a vacancy for a PhD position within fire safety and fire development in buildings with wooden surfaces.For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.Background: Timber can be used as a structural and decorative material in both small and large buildings and has many advantages. Buildings w...

    07.05.2024 Updated on: 11.05.2024

    Dette er NTNUNTNU er et breddeuniversitet med en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil og et tyngdepunkt innen profesjonsutdanning. Universitetet er lokalisert i tre byer med hovedsete i Trondheim.På NTNU jobber 9 000 ansatte og 43 000 studenter med å skape kunnskap for en bedre verden.Du finner mer informasjon om NTNU som arbeidsplass og søknadsprosessen her. Om stillingenStillingen vil gi kandidaten muligheten til å fullføre et doktorgradsprogram og oppnå en doktorgrad fra NTNU, samtidig som de gjennomfører profesjonelle utviklingsaktiviteter innenfor de brede feltene forskning og materialvitenskap. Finansieringen er for 3 år.Stillingen er en del av SFI PhysMet og forskningsområdet Innovativ prosessering og sammenføyningsmetoder. SFI PhysMet - Senter for bærekraftig og konkurransedyktig...

    07.05.2024 Updated on: 12.05.2024

    Dette er NTNUNTNU er et breddeuniversitet med en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil og et tyngdepunkt innen profesjonsutdanning. Universitetet er lokalisert i tre byer med hovedsete i Trondheim.På NTNU jobber 9 000 ansatte og 43 000 studenter med å skape kunnskap for en bedre verden.Du finner mer informasjon om NTNU som arbeidsplass og søknadsprosessen her.Om stillingenStilling som stipendiat har fullført doktorgradsutdanning fram til doktorgrad som mål.Ved Institutt for nevromedisin og bevegelsesvitenskap (INB)  har vi ledig stilling for stipendiat i 100% stilling over 3 år.  Stillingen er tilknyttet Norsk senter for hodepineforskning - NorHEAD.Vi søker en svært motivert og dyktig kandidat til en fullfinansiert 3-årig doktorgradsstilling innen 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MR...

    07.05.2024 Updated on: 12.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You can find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.     About the jobA Postdoctoral Fellow  position is available at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology. We are seeking highly motivated candidates to join our team to work on solid-state Li batteries in the frame of an industry funded project. The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior acade...

    03.05.2024 Updated on: 09.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the jobWe are seeking for a highly motivated PhD candidate in the Department of Biology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to join the group of Basil el Jundi ( The candidate should have a solid background in sensory ecology, neuroethology, and/or neuroscience. A strong interest in insect navigation, an excellent track record and experience with performing behavi...

    01.05.2024 Updated on: 07.05.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the jobFor a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.The position is a PhD Candidate position and will be in the Organic chemistry group ( at the Department of Chemistry at NTNU with a duration of 3 years with a possible extension of 1 year for teaching.As part of the NRC IPN grant “FramSki – The future of r...

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