Jobmonitor. Search results for post post. Page 2

4582 Jobs found for post post

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Displaying 101-150 of 4582 results.
  • Company von Seggern & Quaß GbR in Senden
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Zur Verstärkung unseres Team suchen wir per sofort oder zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eineEmpfangskraft (m/w/d) für unsere Sozietät in Voll - oder Teilzeit.Aufgaben:- Post öffnen und sortieren- Terminvereinbarung- Empfang von MandantenVoraussetzungen- Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift- Organisationsgeschick- Umgang MS-Office- MotivationBitte senden Sie uns Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen per Email zu....

  • Company timecon GmbH & Co. KG in Oldenburg
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über uns Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer neuen beruflichenHerausforderung? Gern sind wir dabei behilflich! Wir, die timecon GmbH& Co. KG, sind eine inhabergeführte Personalberatung mit dem Fokusauf die Vermittlung und Überlassung qualifizierter Fach- undFührungskräfte. Unser Kunde, ein renommiertes Familienunternehmenaus der Energiebranche mit dreistelligem Millionen-Umsatz, sucht zurVerstärkung des Teams zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine offene undaufgeschlossene Empfangsmitarbeiterin (m/w/d) in Vollzeit IhreAufgaben Die Abwicklung der Telefonzentrale und der Empfang von Kundenliegt in Ihrer Hand Sie sind zuständig für die Organisation desSekretariats Die Bearbeitung der Post gehört zu IhremVerantwortungsbereich Ebenso zählt die Archivierung von Dokumenten ...

  • Company WISAG Job & Karriere GmbH & Co. KG in Dahlenburg
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Willkommen bei der WISAG… einem der führenden Dienstleistungsunternehmen in Deutschland für die Bereiche: Aviation, Facility und Industrie. Mehr als 50.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind Tag für Tag bei uns im Einsatz.In der WISAG Sicherheit & Service sind wir auf Sicherheitsdienstleistungen und Sicherheitstechnik in den Bereichen: Industrie, Banken, Verwaltung, öffentliche Institutionen sowie im privaten Umfeld spezialisiert. Mit rund 5.700 Mitarbeitenden gewährleisten wir Werk- und Objektschutz, Revierbewachung, Alarmservice und Notrufzentrale. Darüber hinaus bieten wir: Sicherheitsanalysen und -beratung, Planung und Installation sicherheitstechnischer Anlagen, Empfangs-, Veranstaltungs- und Rezeptions-/Poststellendienste sowie Fahrgastbetreuung.Mehr ü...

  • Company Dometic Vehicle Outfitters EU GmbH in Hannover
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Front Runner ist einer der führenden Premium-Hersteller für Offroad-Fahrzeugzubehör, Geländewagenausstattung und Campingausrüstung. Seit Mitte 2021 gehört Front Runner zur Dometic Gruppe, einem der Marktführer für "Mobile Living".Mit über 300 Mitarbeitern bei Front Runner weltweit, einem starken Fokus auf eCommerce und einem ausgezeichneten Kundenservice bieten wir ein internationales Umfeld in einem sympathischen und sehr engagierten Team.Du interessierst Dich für die Themen Offroad, Outdoor & Camping? Du bist kommunikativ und kannst mit anpacken? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Mach Deine Leidenschaft zu Deinem Beruf.Zu sofort suchen wir für unseren Standort in Hannover in Vollzeit (40 Std./Woche) eine/nAdministrative Assistant (m/w/d)Dein Aufgabengebiet:...

  • Company Sandra Kosmann Steuerberaterin in Other
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams freuen wir uns auf eine Büroassistentin (m/w/d) für die anfallenden Arbeiten in einer Steuerkanzlei. Für folgende Tätigkeiten:- klassische Sekretariatsaufgaben- erste(r) Ansprechpartner(in) für Mandanten- Anwendung der DATEV Programme (EO Comfort, DMS, Fristen- und Bescheide, DUO) Kenntnisse von Vorteil, kann auch erlernt werden, eine persönliche Einarbeitung durch uns ist selbstverständlich- Erstellen schriftlicher Prozesse- Organisieren, Koordinieren, Durchführen und Reflektieren bürowirtschaftlicher und auftragsbezogener Abläufe- Kooperieren und Kommunizieren mit internen und externen Partnern- Recherchieren und Aufbereiten von Daten und Informationen- Unterstützung betrieblicher und digitaler ProzessBewerbungen gerne per E-Mail...

  • Company Job Concepts Inh. Detlef Oehlers in Senden
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Job Concepts ist eine Coaching- und Beratungsfirma. Seit 2003 begleiten wir Menschen durch Coaching und Beratung auf ihrem Weg in die berufliche Zukunft. Unsere Kunden kommen gerne zu uns, denn sie genießen das wertschätzende, familiäre Klima eines inhabergeführten Unternehmens.Wir suchen ab sofort unbefristet ein/eKaufmann/-frau für Büromanagement (m/w/d)in Voll- oder Teilzeit.Der Einsatzort ist in der Harsefelder Straße 16 in 21680 Stade.Weitere Informationen zur Stelle finden Sie auf dieser Seite: sind verantwortlich für:- organisatorische und kaufmännisch verwaltende Tätigkeiten- Bearbeitung von Schriftverkehr per E-Mail und Post- Planung und Überwachung von Kundenterminen- Betreuung der Kunden- Vor- und Nachbereitung von Kundentermi...

  • Company expert Zentrale in Cuxhaven
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: expert Bening ist seit 1930 in Niedersachsens-, Bremens- und Nordrhein-Westfalens Nachbarschaft zuhause und fest in der Region verwurzelt. Auf insgesamt 44.000 Quadratmetern bieten wir unseren Kund:innen von der Spülmaschine bis zur Spielekonsole alles rund um die Haushalts- und Unterhaltungselektronik. Und mehr noch: besten Service und individuelle Beratung - weil unsere Kund:innen auch unsere Nachbar:innen sind. Hierfür sind bei uns über 700 engagierte Mitarbeitende und 90 Auszubildende beschäftigt.    Wir suchen dich als Verwaltungskraft / Sachbearbeiter (m/w/d) Benefits Attraktive Mitarbeiterrabatte Firmenfitness Betriebliche Altersvorsorge 30 Urlaubstage Deine Arbeitszeitplanung erfolgt in der Regel 2 Wochen im Voraus Abwechslungsreiche Arbeitstage und Her...

  • Company Landkreis Göttingen Hauptamt - Personal in Göttingen
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: In der KREISVERWALTUNG GÖTTINGEN ist am Tilman-Riemenschneider- Gymnasium – Dörgestraße 34, 37520 Osterode am Harz – zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine nach Entgeltgruppe 6 TVöD bewertete Teilzeitstelle im Schulsekretariat (m/w/d) unbefristet zu besetzen.Die regelmäßige wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 31 Stunden. Davon sind 27 Wochenstunden unbefristet und 4 Wochenstunden befristet bis zunächst31.01.2025 zu besetzen.Der Dienstort ist Osterode am Harz.Wesentlicher Aufgabenbereich:• Selbstständiges Verwalten von Schüler*innendaten• Unterstützung der Schulleitung in Verwaltungsaufgaben• Mitwirkung bei der Betreuung einzelner Schulformen• Mitwirkung bei Schulveranstaltungen und bei organisatorischen Maßnahmen• Verwaltung der Haushaltsmittel der Schule• Beschaffung...

  • Company Landkreis Göttingen Hauptamt - Personal in Duderstadt
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: In der Kreisverwaltung Göttingen ist im Fachbereich Bildung, Sport und Kultur - Fachdienst Allgemeine Schulangelegenheiten - zum 01.08.2024 eine nach Entgeltgruppe 6 TVöD ausgewiesene Teilzeitstelle im Schulsekretariat des Eichsfeld-Gymnasiums Duderstadt (m/w/d) zu besetzen.Die regelmäßige wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 30 Stunden. Davon sind 25 Wochenstunden unbefristet und 5 Wochenstunden befristet bis zunächst 31.01.2025 zu besetzen.Der befristete Arbeitszeitanteil erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund der am Schulstandort prognostizierten Schülerzahlen für das kommende Jahr und die damit zu erwartende Veränderung des Personalbedarfs im Schulsekretariat.Der Dienstort ist Auf der Klappe 39, 37115 Duderstadt.Wesentlicher Aufgabenbereich:• Selbstständiges Verwalten von...

  • Company Landkreis Göttingen Hauptamt - Personal in Göttingen
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: In der Kreisverwaltung Göttingen ist im Fachbereich Bildung, Sport und Kultur - Fachdienst Allgemeine Schulangelegenheiten - zum 01.08.2024 eine nach Entgeltgruppe 6 TVöD ausgewiesene Teilzeitstelle im Schulsekretariat in der Berufsbildenden Schule I (Arnoldi-Schule) (m/w/d) zu besetzen.Die regelmäßige wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 10,5 Stunden. Davon sind 5,5 Wochenstunden unbefristet und 5 Wochenstunden befristet bis zunächst 31.01.2025 zu besetzen.Der befristete Arbeitszeitanteil erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund der am Schulstandort prognostizierten Schülerzahlen für das kommende Jahr und die damit zu erwartende Veränderung des Personalbedarfs im Schulsekretariat.Die/der künftige Stelleninhaber*in arbeitet mit drei weiteren tariflich Beschäftigten im Schulsekr...

  • Company Amadeus FiRe AG in Other
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Unser in Hann. Münden ansässiger Kunde ist ein zukunftsorientiertes und innovatives Unternehmen der Baubranche, das sein stetiges Wachstum am Markt vorantreiben will.In seinem Auftrag suchen wir Sie im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung mit Übernahmeoption alsTeamassistent (m/w/d)Ihre Benefits:- Faire und leistungsorientierte Vergütung- Sehr gutes Betriebsklima- Vielseitige Angebote zur Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen- Moderne und ergonomische Arbeitsplätze- Intensive und individuelle EinarbeitungIhre Aufgaben:- Verwaltung des Sekretariats- Bearbeitung der Post- Betreuung der Telefonzentrale und allgemeine Korrespondenz- Verwaltung der Ablage- Unterstützung bei Bearbeitung und Abwicklung von Projekten- Erstellung von Angeboten, Auftragsbestätigungen und Rechnungen...

  • Company DIS AG in Göttingen
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sie verfügen bereits über Erfahrungen als Sekretär/in und legen großen Wert auf die präzise Abwicklung von organisatorischen Aufgaben?Im Raum Göttingen bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, als Office Manager (m/w/d), im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung mit Option auf Übernahme tätig zu werden.Haben wir Ihre Neugierde geweckt?Dann zögern Sie nicht und bewerben Sie sich jetzt!Die vorliegende Stelle ist im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung zu besetzen.Office Manager (m/w/d) - hybrides Arbeiten (Remote & Präsenz)Ihre Aufgaben:• Entgegennahme und Durchführung von Telefonaten sowohl eingehender als auch ausgehender Art• Präzise Planung und Koordination von Terminen, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf der Geschäftstätigkeiten sicherzustellen• Bearbeitung und Verwaltung der...

  • Company timecon GmbH & Co.KG in Other
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer neuen beruflichen Herausforderung? Gern sind wir dabei behilflich! Wir, die timecon GmbH & Co. KG, sind eine inhabergeführte Personalberatung mit dem Fokus auf die Vermittlung und Überlassung qualifizierter Fach- und Führungskräfte.Unser Kunde, ein renommiertes Familienunternehmen aus der Energiebranche mit dreistelligem Millionen-Umsatz, sucht zur Verstärkung des Teams zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine offene und aufgeschlosseneEMPFANGSMITARBEITERIN (M/W/D)IN VOLLZEITIHRE AUFGABEN• Die Abwicklung der Telefonzentrale und der Empfang von Kunden liegt in Ihrer Hand• Sie sind zuständig für die Organisation des Sekretariats• Die Bearbeitung der Post gehört zu Ihrem Verantwortungsbereich• Ebenso zählt die Archivierung von Dokumente...

  • Company Linda Waschmittel GmbH & Co.KG in Schwerin
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Für unser traditionsreiches und renommiertes Unternehmen in Schwerin suchen wir ab sofort einen engagierten kaufmännisch erfahrenen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d).Zu den Tätigkeiten zählen unter anderem:- klassische Sekretariatsaufgaben / Assistenzaufgaben- Terminabstimmung- Telefondienst- Post Ein- und Ausgang- Erstellen von Rechnungen- Koordinierung von BüroabläufenWir bieten:- Voll- oder Teilzeitbeschäftigung, gern bieten wir Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit einer 4 Tage Woche- einen krisensicheren Arbeitsplatz- einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag- weitere Vorteile nach AbspracheWir wünschen:- Erfahrungen im kaufm. Bereich, Büroorganisation- sicheren Umgang mit Computer = Word, Excel, Outlook (Standardprogramme und Standardanwendungen)Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.Bitte b...

  • Company Dornick Dienstleistungen GmbH & Co.KG in Berlin
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Für unser Inventurteam in Berlin suchen wir zuverlässige und motivierte Mitarbeiter/innen mit guten Deutschkenntnissen. Die Inventuren finden im Lebensmittelbereich statt und werden tagsüber durchgeführt.Anforderungen:• Gute Deutschkenntnisse zur Verständigung im Team und mit Kunden.• Gutes Zahlenverständnis• Zeitliche Flexibilität zwischen Montag und Freitag (mindestens 3 Tage pro Woche).• Bereitschaft zur Teilzeitarbeit.Aufgaben:• Durchführung von Inventuren im Lebensmittelbereich• Einsatz in der Regel an 3 Tagen pro Woche• Jede Inventur dauert 4-4,5 Stunden.• Beginn der Inventur spätestens um 7:30 Uhr.• Treffpunkt zwischen 06:00 Uhr und 06:30 Uhr, je nach Anfahrt.• Nutzung eines Firmenbusses für die Fahrten zu den Inventurmärkten.Wenn Sie über ein gutes Zahl...

  • Company MEDIA Logistik GmbH in Müssen
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: IHRE AUFGABEN:- Sie sind für die Sortierung von Briefsendungen zuständig.- Außerdem bereiten Sie die versandfertigen Briefsendungen zum Weitertransport vor.- Auch die Dokumentation und Qualitätssicherung gehören zu Ihren Aufgaben.IHR PROFIL:- Nachtschwärmer gesucht: Der Einsatz findet vorwiegend in den Abend- bzw. Nachtstunden statt.- Egal ob Berufs- oder Quereinsteiger – alles, was Sie für Ihren Job in der Sortierung wissen müssen, lernen Sie bei uns.- Sie sind ein Teamplayer, flexibel und körperlich belastbar.- Sie verfügen über gute Deutschkenntnisse.UNSER ANGEBOT:- Einarbeitung: Unsere motivierten und hilfsbereiten Kollegen arbeiten Sie intensiv ein.- Sicherheit: Sie profitieren von einem sicheren Arbeitsplatz in einem dynamischen Unternehmen.- Wohlfühlen: ...

  • Company Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Isleworth
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    A Vacancy at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.We are seeking 1-2 enthusiastic and dedicated individuals to join the Obstetrics and Gynaecology team at the West Middlesex Site of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.We wish to appoint suitably trained and experienced doctors with NHS experience as Senior Clinical Fellows to work as Senior Registrars with a special interest in Early Pregnancy and Acute Gynaecology. This post is ideal for candidates seeking an Out of Programme Training for Clinical Experience (OOPE) and completion of the Early Pregnancy and Acute gynaecology ATSM. The post will also provide specialised training towards the completion of the intermediate module in Early pregnancy and Acute gynaecology ultrasound scanning. The successful ca...

  • Company Consolid Transport & Logistiek in Een
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Stap in de schijnwerpers als de ster van de entree! Als regio-receptionist via Consolid ben jij niet zomaar een gastheer of -vrouw, maar de magiër die de eerste indrukken betovert en gasten laat glimlachen vanaf het moment dat ze binnenkomen. Je begrijpt als geen ander dat de entree de sleutel is tot een onvergetelijke ervaring voor elke bezoeker.In jouw rol als hostess/receptioniste ben je de held(in) die gasten en collega's begroet met een stralende glimlach, de telefoon met elegantie beantwoordt, baliewerkzaamheden met precisie uitvoert en de post met zorg behandelt. Representatief, empathisch en met oog voor detail, jij voelt precies aan wat er nodig is en staat altijd paraat om een stapje extra te zetten.Maar wacht, er is meer! Bij Consolid bieden we niet alleen een betoverende werkpl...

  • Company Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in london
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    A Vacancy at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.We are seeking an enthusiastic and dedicated individual to join the Obstetrics and Gynaecology team at the West Middlesex Site of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. We wish to appoint a suitably trained and experienced doctor with NHS experience at ST6 -7 level as aSenior Clinical Fellowto work as aSeniorRegistrar with a special interest in any of the following: Benign abdominal surgery - Open and Laparoscopic, Maternal Medicine and Obstetric Research,Medical Education with Quality Improvement in Postnatal and Bereavement Care, Outpatient Hysteroscopy and Ambulatory Gynaecology. The post will provide specialised training towards the completion of theATSM in any of the above special interests. The success...

  • Company Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Dorchester
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    This is an exciting and challenging opportunity for someone to join our team on Lulworth Ward, this role will enable you to be the welcoming face for all out patients and visitors. Lulworth Ward is a general surgical ward with a friendly and professional team that will provide an ideal environment for applicants to learn new skills, work as a team and provide a friendly and welcoming environment for patients. Team work is essential and the Ward Clerk role is vital in facilitating safe patient discharge, accurate filing and record keeping and maintaining good communication between the members of the Multidisciplinary teams. The successful applicant will be joining a positive, friendly and supportive team focused on goals driven by patient experience and evidence based best practice.We are c...

  • Company East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust in Blackburn
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    This is an exciting opportunity for a newly qualified pharmacist or pharmacist wishing to transition to a role within the acute sector, which offers a guaranteed pathway of progression. The posts are open to applications from existing foundation trainees. The posts are also open to applicants who wish to work cross-sector. Flexible working options can be explored based on individual circumstances. See separate job descriptions and personal specification for each post - attached to the advert, for a full outline of the roles.There aretwoprogressional pharmacist posts available currently with us:• Clinical services pharmacist (rotational) progressional post (band 6 to 7)• Technical services pharmacist (fixed) progressional post (band 6 to 7)Preferences for each role will be explored during t...

  • Company Orkney Islands Council in Kirkwall
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    AdvertEDUCATION, LEISURE AND HOUSINGKirkwall Grammar SchoolTeacher of Maths17.5 hours per week (0.5FTE)PermanentKGS is a modern, vibrant school of over 900 pupils with a catchment area which covers Kirkwall, the East Mainland, Orphir and the North Isles.We are looking for an enthusiastic and skilled teacher/leader who is committed to improvement and excellence. You will be joining departments and other teams of staff who are dedicated to providing the best for all young people. Our school has a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer including drama, music, and sport.You will be able to teach all aspects of the relevant subject across all stages. You will be joining a highly successful team, in a recently built and well-resourced school.For more details on the school, visit www....

  • Company Orkney Islands Council in Stromness
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    AdvertEDUCATION, LEISURE AND HOUSINGStromness NurseryEarly Years Practitioner35 hours per week, 50 weeks per yearTemporary up to 5 May 2025£27,853 - £28,455 / £29,148 - £31,265£15.26 - £15.59 / £15.97 - £17.13 per hourThe above amounts include Distant Islands AllowanceWe are looking for an enthusiastic person with a passion for working with young children. You will be a warm and caring person with a real interest in playing with and supporting young children as they grow and develop.You will be curious about young children and keen to develop their interests. You will play a role in planning for and developing the environment and experiences in response to children’s needs. You will work alongside a nurturing and dedicated team who are all committed to delivering the very best for children...

  • Company East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust in Blackburn
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    We are looking for a suitably qualified, high performing HCPC registered Physiotherapist to take on the role of Team leader /Clinical Specialist in MSK . This is a great opportunity to develop your leadership and clinical skills in the MSK Specialty. This post will be based at Barbara Castle Way Health Center Blackburn ,but all staff are expected to work on any of our sites across East Lancashire if service requires. To operationally manage the team at BCWTo provide specialist care to patients with MSK conditions and to act as the clinical expert for MSK disorders, advancing clinical practice in this area of work.To balance the team leader and clinical specialist aspects of the post as appropriate and as agreed with the physiotherapy manager. Clinical specialists working within clinic...

  • Company UHCW NHS Trust in Coventry
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Fixed term Band 5/Band 6 Renal Dietitian 0.6 WTE (depending on experience) for 12 months.This is an exciting opportunity, for a band 5/band 6 Dietitian to join an experienced team of 6.5 WTE renal Dietitians, and 1 renal dietetic assistant Practitioner.If appropriate we will offer support in the completion of band 6 renal dietetic competencies to give the opportunity of progression to a band 6 renal dietetic post, subject to completion of the competency framework.You will be working within our large, friendly dynamic Dietetic department. The department has access to excellent IT and library facilities. The department also supports return to practice, and flexible working.This post holder will be based at the UHCW hospital in Coventry, but there would be the opportunity to cover renal servi...

  • Company Karbon Homes in Newcastle
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Come and make a difference at Karbon as a Development Manager We are looking to appoint two suitably qualified and experienced individuals to take up two roles of Development Manager in our Development Delivery Team. One of the roles will cover the Northeast of England and the second role covering Yorkshire. Our Development Delivery Team, with the backing of a Strategic Partnership relationship with Homes England are responsible for securing land and delivering an ambitious programme of high quality, multi-tenure, new build homes across both rural and urban locations in the North of England. This role will help drive further growth in new homes across our expanding geography and help to deliver high quality new affordable homes to the market. About the role We are excited to be recruitin...

  • Company York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in York
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    An exciting opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic and well-motivated individual, to join the Surgery Care Group as a Service Manager for Urology and Breast. The post will be based at York Hospital, however, there may be a requirement to travel and work at Scarborough Hospital.The successful candidate requires excellent communication and team working skills, and will work closely with clinical and non-clinical staff on a daily basis, organising and prioritising both their own workload and that of others. They must have the ability to exercise sound judgement in relation to problem solving, and the ability to practice delegation, negotiation and motivation skills. Most importantly the candidate must have a flexible and patient centred approach.If you are a current NHS employee, please s...

  • Company The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Birmingham
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Band 6 Full-Time role but Part-Time hours will be consideredDo you want to work at a nationally and internationally renowned centre of excellence treating a varied caseload of orthopaedic conditions?We are seeking a dynamic and enthusiastic band 6 Occupational Therapist to join our friendly and supportive team at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham. If you are an occupational therapist seeking a new challenge and you have excellent communication, teamworking and problem-solving skills this may be the job for you!This post offers an excellent opportunity to anyone wishing to develop their skills within orthopaedic rehabilitation as well as promoting the occupational therapy service within the hospital.For an informal discussion or to arrange a visit please contact:Chris Aspland, ...

  • Company North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust in london
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Applications are invited for 8 Speciality Doctors in critical care medicine. These vacancies are created as part of the expansion of critical care department of North Middlesex University Hospital in North London, comprising 10 PAs and on site resident on call.This post will be full time main duties will involve stabilisation and care of critically ill patientsNorth Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust is one of London’s major Acute Hospital Trusts and isdraws patients from Barnet and Waltham Forest. This is a catchment area of around one million residents and covers a highly diverse population with affluent wards as well as areas of complex deprivation and serious health need.The successful candidate will join a team of 6 Junior Fellows, 8 Senior Fellows, 3 IMT 3 Foundation trainees a...

  • Company Havant Borough & East Hampshire District Councils in Havant
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job AdvertAre you passionate about working with people and looking for a new challenge? Do you thrive when working collaboratively with people to achieve positive experiences and outcomes?Are you looking for an opportunity to use your experience and gain new skills in an interesting and fast-moving environment?Do you have an inquisitive and innovative mind- can you get to the bottom of issues and find the real cause of a problem?Can you see things from different perspectives and consider how changes might impact people? Can you help people to adjust tochange?Based in our modern Plaza building in Havant, with easy access to transport links and local shops, we offer a flexible workingenvironment with attendance in the office combined with some remote working dependent on the requirements of ...

  • Company Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust in High Wycombe
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic and motivated individual to work as an Echocardiography Assistant within the Cardiology Department at Wycombe HospitalYou will join our multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, cardiac physiologists, nurses and admin staff who are dedicated to providing a high quality, cardiac diagnostic imaging serviceYou'll need a caring nature and the ability to see each patient as an individual and carry out this role with empathy and understanding. The successful candidate will be required to carry out a variety of duties to assist the medical staff during procedures as required.It is essential to have a good level of general education and a basic understanding of IT. Good communication, interpersonal and organisational skills are also an essential requiremen...

  • Company Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust in Norwich
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Due to successful internal promotion we are able to offer the following exciting opportunity within our HR Operations Team for the of role of Deputy HR Business Partner. The post reports to the HR Business Partner to deliver a professional and customer focused best modern people management practice including workforce management and development and employee relations to support the delivery of NCH&C objectives.You will have the opportunity to get involved in creating and delivering HR solutions according to business need as well as supporting projects, implementing change and coaching and advising managers within the service.In this interesting and varied role you will provide expert advice for staff and leaders to regarding employment policy and practice, sickness absence support, support...

  • Company Platform Housing Group in Evesham
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Have you got the right tools for the job?Calling all Bathroom Fitters in Evesham, Pershore, Cheltenham, Gloucester, and Tewkesbury!Platform Property Care has opportunities for experiencedMulti Skill Trades Plumbers to join our busy Programme team as a Bathroom Fitter and help us maintain and improve our homes in Worcestershire and Gloucestershire. What could you be doing? You will excel at fitting bathrooms, and you will be ensuring our customer’s homes are maintained and repaired to a great standard. Based in Worcestershire and Gloucestershire and covering properties in Evesham, Pershore, Cheltenham and Gloucester plumbing will be yourfocus,but experience in other trades willdefinitely be needed to help this team achieve their programme of delivering circa 100 bathrooms a year.We want som...

  • Company Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust in london
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Band 6 Speech and Language Therapist (1.0 WTE) 12-month Fixed Term Post (Maternity Leave Cover)Special Schools and ARPs team – Hammersmith & Fulham, WestminsterAre you looking to make a real difference to the lives of children and young people?Are you passionate about reducing inequalities and want to belong to a service with an active diversity and inclusion ethos?We have an exciting opportunity for a Band 6 Speech and Language Therapist to join our Speech and Language Therapy Special Schools & ARPs team to work across 3 provisions with both primary and secondary aged CYP, in the boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham and Westminster. The post includes the opportunity to work with a neurodiverse caseload and with CYP with a variety of profiles including supporting young people with severe learn...

  • Company Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust in london
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Specialist School Support Worker - Band 4 - Jack Tizard Special SchoolWe currently have an exciting opportunity to join theChildren’s Community Nursing and Special School’s Teamin our Children’s Health and Development Division. We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiasticChildren’s Care Worker (Band 4)who islooking to develop their skills in the largest community healthcare trust in LondonThe post holder will work within the Children’s Community Nursing Team, based at Jack Tizard Special School and supporting the nurse and B3 care workers to meet the health care needs of the students.The team works closely with colleagues in Primary Care, hospitals, social services and education.This post is for 37.5 hours per week, term time only, Monday to Friday.This post offers a great opportunit...

  • Company Service Care Solutions in Ashford
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    I have a post for an experienced Multi Trade / Joiner to join our Repairs Team covering Ashford.Working with the day to day Repairs maintenance team, you will be working in properties in Ashford carrying out general repairs around Joinery.The Job. Day to Day you will carry out building repairs, maintenance and renewals ranging from installation work in Joinery, a little bit of basic plumbing, carpentry, plastering and painting may also be required. General repairs fall around Joinery work - changing locks, fixing skirtings, Doors, Frames etc.We are looking for people who can carry out works to a consistently high standard of quality and customer satisfaction and complete works 'Right First Time'.Hours of work will be between the core hours of 8.00 am and 5.00 pm (Monday - Friday) - 40 hour...

  • Company Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Ward F6 Cardiac Surgery has 2 vacancies for Band 6 RNs, one 36 hour permanent vacancy and one 37.5 12 month secondment.Ward F6 is a 32 bedded Cardiac Surgery ward caring for patients undergoing both routine and complex cardiac and aortic surgery. In April 2024 our service will expand to create an additional 16 bedded unit on ward F2 - when MRI Cardiac Surgery services move to WythenshaweWe are looking for registered nurses with a minimum of 2 years experience working within cardiac surgery speciality, who are hard working and passionate about delivering high standards of patient care and are motivated towards maintaining and developing their own skills.A flexible approach to shift patterns is essential. Flexible working hours can include Part time and night duty.Pre and post operative ca...

  • Company Scottish Borders Council in Brighton
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DetailsGrade: 5AHourly Rate: £13.02 - £14.15Salary: £23,768.96 - £25,831.20 per annumHours: 35Contract Duration: PermanentNote: Internal candidates are welcome to apply to this post as a temporary secondment opportunity, should they wish.Role PurposeThis Post is to provide a peripatetic Business Support role to schools. The peripatetic role is predominately to include the provision of emergency and unplanned cover to schools (mainly primary). To undertake ad hoc work ensuring and promoting continuity and generic working practices. Have an extensive working knowledge of school admin processes and procedures is required. The role will be required to be flexible and provide support across the school estate and therefore a driving license is essential.The post holder will be managed by the...

  • Company Scottish Borders Council in Duns
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DetailsGrade: 12AHourly Rate: £34.18 - £35.75Salary: £62,385.91 - £65,251.16Contract Duration: PermanentRole PurposeWe are looking to attract an experienced manager to lead and support long term social work teams in the East locality of Scottish BordersWe offer flexible and hybrid working arrangements together with a wide range of additional benefits.EssentialApplicants must possess a professional qualification in Social Work and be registered with SSSC.Degree in Social WorkA current driving licence and use of a vehicle is an essential requirement of this post. * If you have a disability which precludes you from holding a drivers licence, Scottish Borders Council will take into account its responsibility to make reasonable adjustments to allow for your disability. Should it be possible...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Fraserburgh
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionAssist in the efficient and effective administration and collection of Council Tax and answer customer queries. This requires working individually and as part of a team.There is a responsibility for the post holder to demonstrate a commitment to quality service delivery through continuous improvement for the benefit of the Service and the organisation.The post is a temporary hybrid working post, which will be based in either Fraserburgh or Inverurie determined by the geographical location of the successful candidate.This post has a minimum requirement of one reference, which must be your current or most recent employer.Fixed term for a period not exceeding 31/05/2025 Informal Enquiries to: David Buchan Tel: 01467 539289 A Privacy Notice giving you information on the data we ...

  • Company North Ayrshire Council in Saltcoats
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job SummaryWe may conduct our interviews in person or using Microsoft Teams for video calling. All you need is a device with a camera and access to the internet. We will provide guidance and instructions on how to use this method if your interview is being held virtually.We are a disability confident leader and we support reasonable adjustments throughout the recruitment process - for more information click hereThis post is based within our Education Directorate. Reporting to the Headteacher, you will assist in the management and delivery of education for children and young people attending Mayfield Primary School. This post has a start date of August 2024.For more details see the attached Role Profile below.Before you apply, find out a little bit about us and why we are a Great Place to ...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Inverurie
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionResponsible for ensuring effective H&S checks and adherence to relevant policies, procedures and systems, and for minor property work for tenants residing in Sheltered Housing.There is a responsibility for the post holder to demonstrate a commitment to quality service delivery through continuous improvement for the benefit of the Service and the organisation.The post will be Monday to Friday. you may be asked to work extra hours at times.This post is regulated work with Children and/or Protected Adults under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. The preferred candidate will be required to join the PVG Scheme or undergo a PVG Scheme update check. Where an individual has spent a continuous period of 3 months or more out with the UK in the last 5 years, an Ov...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Banchory
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionUndertake assessments within budgetary criteria, where individuals meet service eligibility, to meet the outcomes of older adults, and those with a physical disability including acquired brain injury, under the remit of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 and subsequent legislation relevant to the function of care management.There is a responsibility for the post holder to demonstrate a commitment to quality service delivery through continuous improvement for the benefit of the service and the organisationUndertake assessments within budgetary criteria, where individuals meet service eligibility, to meet the outcomes of older adults, and those with a physical disability including acquired brain injury, under the remit of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 and subsequent leg...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Inverurie
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionMaintain high standards of cleanliness throughout the establishment and assist the care staff to provide support to individuals with personal care tasks, as required. There is also a requirement to assist with the preparation of food, serving meals and beverages.The candidate will need to be available to work variable shift patterns including weekends, evenings and day time.There is a responsibility for the post holder to demonstrate a commitment to quality service delivery through continuous improvement for the benefit of the Service and the organisation.Working pattern is variable for this position to cover mornings or afternoons to fit in with the needs of the Service. Early Shift is 09.00 - 15.00, Late Shift 13.00 - 19.00 and Weekend Shift is 09.30 - 17.30 Rota is rollin...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Inverbervie
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionLocation: South Coast areaCould you be instrumental in enabling people in their community to live as independently as possible? Are you the kind of person who wants more out of your job? Are you looking for a career that makes a real difference to people’s lives in your community?Home Care is evolving…..The role of our Home carers has changed and is focusing now on four priority areas:- Enablement / Rapid Response / Complex and palliative care / Remote and rural areasAs a Home Carer with Aberdeenshire Council you will work alongside a team of professionals within Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership. You will be involved in providing specialist care and support to service users across these four priorities, to allow service users to build upon their skills and ab...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Aboyne
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionLocation: Upper Deeside, Aboyne, BallaterPlease note, the position advertised does not meet the salary threshold required for sponsorshipCould you be instrumental in enabling people in their community to live as independently as possible? Are you the kind of person who wants more out of your job? Are you looking for a career that makes a real difference to people’s lives in your community? Home Care is evolving….. The role of our Home carers has changed and is focusing now on four priority areas:- Enablement / Rapid Response / Complex and palliative care / Remote and rural areas As a Home Carer with Aberdeenshire Council you will work alongside a team of professionals within Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership. You will be involved in providing specialist care a...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Aberdeen
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionBefore applying for this job, it is important that you read the Applicant Guidance by clicking on the attachments below. These explain the job role and the type of person we are looking for.An opportunity has become available for a seasonal Habitat Surveyor post to carry out Integrated Habitat System (IHS) survey in Aberdeenshire for the North East Scotland Biological Records Centre (NESBReC) which is part of Aberdeenshire Council. Working predominantly outdoors during May–October 2024, you will have excellent botanical knowledge and field identification skills. ;Surveying will use the Integrated Habitat System and GPS enabled hand-held PCs for data capture in the field. Knowledge of habitat surveying at least to Phase 1 Habitat Survey level is required and previous IHS expe...

  • Company Scottish Borders Council in Newtown
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DetailsGrade: 4AHourly Rate: £12.08 - £12.76Salary: £22,053.46 - £23,294.46 pro rata per annumContract Duration: PermanentNote: Interview will be held on 21/05/2024Role PurposeWe are looking for an experienced person to provide a wide range of administrative support to the business, operational and administrative teams within the Department, through administering, organising, assessing and processing information for services across the local authority.EssentialMinimum of 3 Standard Grades at level 1, 2, 3 (or equivalent), including EnglishInformal EnquiriesInformal enquiries may be made to Lorraine Boyd by emailing Borders Council is committed to improving the diversity of its workforce to better reflect the communities we serve. We welcome applications...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Peterhead
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DescriptionWe are looking for a full-time Child Protection Administrator to join our dedicated team. As a Child Protection Administrator you will be expected to co-ordinate all arrangements before meetings, such as booking venues, diary management, shared mailbox management, issuing any relevant paperwork that may have a sensitive nature, and working to tight timescales. Confidentiality is key to this role as meetings contain sensitive information.Strong attention to detail and flexibility is required as minute-taking is a vital element of this role, and experience in this area is beneficial. Awareness of Child Protection and the associated terminology is desirable but not essential. This role would suit someone who is well organised and proactive, has the ability to work as part of a ...

  • Company Scottish Borders Council in Kelso
    28.04.2024 Updated on: 28.04.2024

    Job DetailsGrade: PT-TCH-PT4Salary: £59,481 per annumHours: 35Contract Duration: Temporary Maternity Cover until 19/08/2025 or the earlier return of the postholder.Start Date: Monday 2 September 2024Teachers applying for permanent posts should be fully registered with the General Teaching Council Scotland.Please click the link below to watch our Inspire Learning video: PurposeWould you like to make a difference to the lives of children and young people in the Scottish Borders? Are you looking to for a professional development opportunity in school Session 2024-2025 and a fresh challenge? Are you passionate about teaching, learning and inclusion and would love to work with learners and families within our setting? An ...

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