Jobmonitor. Search results for catering-services-international. Page 2

158718 Jobs found

Used filters:
  • catering-services-internationalx
Displaying 101-200 of 158718 results.
  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Harsum
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Please note that our central recruiting team is responsible for selecting applicants. We and our clients consult with medical and health experts on an ongoing basis and implement all recommended precautions on our premises to ensure the health of our employees and all other people. Frau Ewelina Dyczek...

  • Company Best Man Works OÜ in Other

    Tööülesanded: Vanemate majade renoveerimineOmalt poolt pakume: Kütuse kompensatsiooni, tööriided ja tööriistad.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Neustadt am Rübenberge
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company Eleset OÜ in Other

    Elektrimontöör Tööülesanded: Elektripaigaldustööd ehitusobjektidel. Kaablite, pistikupesade, lülitite, valgustite paigaldus. Elektriskeemide lugemise oskus. Omalt poolt pakume: Töövahendi, tööriided, vajadusel tööauto. Kui töö on linnast väljas, siis on kohale toomine objektile.Muud nõuded: Elektrialane haridus ja kompetents.Vastutustundlikkus, iseseisvus, täpsus.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Bad Münder am Deister
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company Osaühing Dold Puidutööstus in Other

    Tööülesanded: Töö liimpuitplaatide tsehhi viimistlusosakonnas.Värvitud valmistoodangu parandamine, lihvimine, pahteldamine. Töö nii liinil liikuva materjaliga kui eraldiseisvatel paranduslaudadel.Omalt poolt pakume: Stabiilset töösuhet ja väljaõpet kohapeal.Muud nõuded: Kohusetundlikkus, töökus, kiirus, tähelepanelikkus.Töö on sobilik kiirete käte ja terava silmaga töötajatele.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Pattensen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company Osaühing Dold Puidutööstus in Other

    Tööülesanded: Tööülesannete hulka kuulvad kõik tööoperatsioonid, mis on seotud värviliinide (Venjakob, Schiele) seadistamise, toodangu värvimise ja kvaliteedinõuetele vastavuse tagamisega. Vajadusel ka materjali pahteldamine. Omalt poolt pakume: Stabiilset töösuhet, kindlat sissetulekut ja toetavat meeskonda. Vajadusel väljaõpe kohapeal.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Bad Nenndorf
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company AMB GRUPP OÜ in Other

    Tööülesanded: Müürsepatööd, montaaitööd, puusepatööd.Omalt poolt pakume: Stabiilset ja konkurentsivõimelist töötasu.Muud nõuded: Vajalik eelnev töökogemus müürsepana või puusepana.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Egestorf
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company Paneelivabrik OÜ in Other

    Sildkraana juht-troppijaTööülesanded: Sildkraanaga tõste- ja transporditööd. Koormate koostamine, troppimine ja pealetõste ning vajadusel ka saatelehtede koostamine. Töövahenditeks on meil neli maast, puldiga juhitavat sildkraanat. Mille seas on uued ABUS sildkraanad (sisekraana tõstevõimega 14 tonni ning välilaoplatsi sildkraana 18 tonni tõstevõimega) samuti 2 nõukogudeaegset sildkraanat tõstevõimega 5 tonni.Lisaks on töö sisu ka betoonelementide valmistajate ja puuseppade abistamine nende töös ning üldine tsehhi korrashoid ja toodete ning tarvikute paigutus.Omalt poolt pakume: Huvitavat tööd arenevas ettevõttes;konkurentsivõimelist töötasu.Muud nõuded: Kasuks tuleb: eesti keele oskus suhtlustasandil; kraanajuhi tunnistus või sertifikaat sildkraanadele tõstejõuga kuni 20 tonni.hea füüsil...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Gehrden
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company Paneelivabrik OÜ in Other

    Puusepp, valuvormide ehitaja Tööülesanded: Puidust detailide valmistamine, ehitamine, muutmine, monteerimine ja remontimine;tööpinkidel nagu formaatsaag.Saalungite ja betoonivaluvormide ettevalmistamine, ehitamine ja remontimine;muud abitööd.Töökohaks on betoonelemente valmistav tehas Kohtla-JärvelOmalt poolt pakume: Huvitavat tööd arenevas ettevõttes;konkurentsivõimelist töötasu.Muud nõuded: Kasuks tuleb: ehitusjooniste lugemise oskus;eesti keele oskus suhtlustasandil;hea füüsiline vorm;töötahe, ausus, kohusetunne, täpsus, valmidus meeskonnatööks;võime töötada pingeolukorras, motiveeritus, õpitaheKodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Wietze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company OÜ Lemmik Mees in Juba

    Tööülesanded: - Sauna detailide ettevalmistus;- saunade kokkupanemine;- saunade viimistlus.Omalt poolt pakume: Pakume korralikku töötasu, paindlikku tööaega, motivatsiooniüritusi, usaldusväärsust - oleme tegutsenud juba 20 aastat.Muud nõuded: Ootame oma töötajatelt töökust, kohusetundlikkust, ausust ja täpsust. Kandideerijad võiksid soovitavalt olla eelneva sarnase töökogemusega.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Ronnenberg
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company AS Lavateir in Other

    Tööülesanded: Sinu peamisteks tööülesanneteks on santehniliste tööde teostamine erinevatel objektidel ka õhtusel ajal ja nädalavahetusel.Omalt poolt pakume: •Stabiilset tööd ja töötasu•Sõbralikku ja toetavat kollektiivi•Huvitavat ja vaheldusrikast tööd•Sporditoetust läbi SportID süsteemiMuud nõuded: •Suudad töötada iseseisvalt •Valdad eesti keelt vähemalt suhtlustasandil.•Oled valmis töötama ka valveajal.•Oled kohusetundlik ja omad töötahetKodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Hildesheim
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company OÜ JANELL DISAIN in Other

    Lagede, seinte ehitus ja viimistlusTööülesanded: Büroopindade, korterite, eramute ehitus-viimistlustööd.Omalt poolt pakume: Oskustöölisele konkurentsivõimelist töötasu, tööriideid, töövahendeid ja aastaringset tööd.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Nordstemmen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...

  • Company Lamitex Grupp oü in Other

    Klaasilõikaja, lihvija, printijaTööülesanded: Lehtklaasi lõikus masinaga; käsitsi lihvimine lintlihvpingil; käsitsi klaasi pesemine, käsitsi klaasi printimine siiditrüki tehnikas. Omalt poolt pakume: Pikaajalist töökohta; väikest sõbralikku kollektiivi (5 inimest) ja konkurentsivõimelist palka.Muud nõuded: Töö on suures osas oma jalgadel ringi liikudes, mitte istudes. Töö eeldab kiirust ja osavust.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Uetze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Garbsen Your tasks General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods Packing and dispatch of products (suitable tools available) Loading the outgoing goods Your profile German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Availability to work in shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Storage experience welcome, but not required Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Fixed working hours (5 ...


    Šokolaadikommide, šokolaaditrühvlite, täidesega ja lisanditega šokolaaditahvlite ja martsipani tootmine.Tööülesanded: Kõlleste Kommivabriku sortimendis olevate toodete valmistamine retseptuuri alusel ja valmistoodangu pakkimine. Väljaõpe koha peal.Omalt poolt pakume: Väljaõpet koha peal. Tööriided ja tööks vajalikud vahendid tööandja poolt.Muud nõuded: Toiduainetetööstuses töötamiseks nõutud tervisetõend.Kodus töötamise võimalus: EiKoormus, vahetused: 0,6...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Hohenhameln
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (m/f/d) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + General warehouse work such as processing incoming and outgoing goods German or English (basic skills for communication, written knowledge is a plus) Reliability and punctuality, motivation to work in a team For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % Please note that our central recruiting team is responsible for selecting applicants. We and our clients consult with medical and health experts on an ongoing basis and implement all recommended precautions on our premises to ensure the health of our employees and all other people. Frau Ewelina Dyczek...

  • Company RIVOCO OÜ in Vee

    Tööülesanded: Vee, kanalisatsooni ja küttesüsteemide ehituse ja remondi teostamine.Omalt poolt pakume: Pakume tööd nooremapoolses kollektiivis. Vajadusel õpetame ka kohapeal välja.Muud nõuded: Otsime asjalikku, oskustega torumeest või kellel on soov amet ära õppida. Kasuks tuleb tuleb varasem sarnane kogemus. Kui kogemus puudub, peaks olema hakkaja ja õpihimuline.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Ilsede
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Aiapaigaldus OÜ in Other

    Tööülesanded: Postiaukude kaevamine, betoneerimine, postide loosimine, paneelide ja puidu paigaldamineOmalt poolt pakume: Omalt poolt pakume motiveerivat töötasu, väljaõpet.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Diekholzen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Aiapaigaldus OÜ in Other

    Tööülesanded: Väravate tootmine: materjali lõikamine, ettevalmistus, keevitamine, lihvimine.Omalt poolt pakume: Omalt poolt pakume võimalust töötada arenevas ettevõttes - võimalik kogu töökoda oma käe järgi teha. Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Isernhagen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + General warehouse work Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport MONETARY BENEFITS: ~ Commuter Benefit € 50~ Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % ~€ WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: Please note that our central recruiting team is responsible for selecting applicants. Frau Ewelina Dyczek...

  • Company osaühing RAUDLA in Other

    Tööülesanded: Toodete/detailide koostamineOmalt poolt pakume: Stabiilset töökohta ja kindlat sissetulekut. TööriidedMuud nõuded: Jooniste tundmine ja iseseisvalt töötamise oskus.Keevitus MIG.Soovituslik MAG ja TIG.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Sarstedt
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Kvatro Kinnisvarahalduse OÜ in Other

    JärvamaaTööülesanded: Haldusettevõte otsib oma meeskonda Järvamaa elu- ja ärihoonete tehnosüsteemide hooldustehnikut, kelle peamisteks ülesanneteks on:Elu- ja ärihoonete tehnosüsteemide hooldus- ja remonttööde teostamine.Hooldus- ja kontrollaktide täitmine.Tööde teostamiseks vajalike materjalide ostmine/hankimine volituste piires.Hooldustööde teostamine vastavalt graafikule.Osalemine avariivalvetes graafiku alusel.Omalt poolt pakume: Keskmisest kõrgemat töötasu.Erialaseid täiendkoolitusi vastavalt vajadusele.Kaasaegseid töövahendeid, sh. ametiautot.Ettevõtte ühisüritusi.Eneseteostust ja arenemisvõimalusi.Meeldivat töökollektiivi.Muud nõuded: Projektdokumentatsiooni lugemise oskus ja materjalide tundmine.Hea tehniline mõtlemine ja arusaamine erinevatest tehnosüsteemidest.Erinevate tehnosüst...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Uetze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport in Other

    Vajame sinu kuldseid käsi!Tööülesanded: Trammide jahutusagregaatide hooldus, remont ja diagnostika. Trammide elektriseadmete hooldus ja remont Omalt poolt pakume: Motiveerivat ja väljakutseid pakkuvat tööd kiiresti arenevas ettevõttes ja kaasaegsetel sõidukitel 35 päeva puhkust kalendriaastas Vajadusel kohapealset väljaõpet ja erialaseid täiendkoolitusi Sõbralikku meeskonda ja ühisüritusi Sporditoetust (Stebby) ja mitmekülgseid TLT soodustusi Muud nõuded: •kutseharidus, soovitavalt autoelektriku kvalifikatsiooniga ning külmamehhaanik tase 4 kutse •teadmised elektrotehnikast, elektrimaterjalidest ja -mõõtmistest, elektri- ja montaaiskeemide tundmine •varasem töökogemus sõidukite remondi- ja jahutusagregaatide hooldustööde alal ja/või sõidukite remondi- ja elektrihooldustööde alal •eesti j...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Hildesheim
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport in Other

    Kas armastad autode värvimist ja soovid töötada professionaalses ning toetavas keskkonnas, siis ootame just Sind meie tiimi!Tööülesanded: Mida sa meie juures teed?•Valmistad sõidukeid ette värvimiseks ja värvid, et saavutada täiuslik tulemus•Kasutad värve nagu kunstnik, pihustad värvi ja lakki, viimistled ja poleerid•Tegeled vigade parandamise ja kvaliteedikontrolliga, et iga buss lahkuks meie juurest laitmatus seisukorrasOmalt poolt pakume: Miks valida TLT?•Pakume kaasaegseid töövahendeid ja häid töötingimusi•Meie meeskond on toetav ja sõbralik•Meie juures on sul võimalus pidevalt areneda ja õppida•Meiega saad puhata 35 päeva aastas•Toetame sportimist ja tervise edendamistMuud nõuded: •Vähemalt 3 aastat kogemust automaalrina •Oskust kasutada erinevaid värvi- ja pinnakattematerjale ning te...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Uetze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Avalast OÜ in Other

    Palkame ka Ukraina sõjapõgenikeTööülesanded: Erinevate betoonelementide/paneelide valmistamine jooniste alusel. Omalt poolt pakume: Pakume Sulle alalist täiskohaga tööd betoonpaneelide/elementide tehases, töötasu motiveeriv. Töökoht on Tartus, aitame leida majutuse, aitame ka muudes küsimustes, meie firmas on Sulle tugiisik, kes aitab sind jooksvate probleemidega. Muud nõuded: Kui Sul on eelnev kogemus betooniga ja oskad lugeda jooniseid, siis see töö on just Sulle! Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Edemissen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Osaühing Baltic Sankai in Other

    ÜldehitajaTööülesanded: Mõiste üldehitus hõlmab endas kõiki hoone püstitamiseks vajalikke töid, nagu näiteks vundamendi ehitus, kandvate ja mittekandvate seinte ehitus, vahelagede, -seinte ja katuse ehitus, soojustus ja isolatsioonitööde teostamine ning hoone sise- ja välisviimistlus. Üldehituse alla ei kuulu tehnosüsteemide, nagu näiteks kanalisatsiooni-, vee-, ventilatsiooni, kütte-, jahutus-, sprinkler- ja elektrisüsteemid (nõrk- ja tugevvool), aga ka valgustuse, evakuatsiooni- ja paanikavältimise ning helindussüsteemi rajamine. Nende näol on tegemist eriosadega, mille teostamine on samuti Baltic Sankai OÜ pädevuses.Omalt poolt pakume: * Kindlat töötasu* Ametiauto kasutamise võimalust* Erialast koolitust* Huvitavat ja mitmekülgset tööd* Transport objektidele Kohtla-Järvelt ja Jõhvist. M...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Algermissen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + General warehouse work Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport MONETARY BENEFITS: ~ Commuter Benefit € 50~ Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % ~€ WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: Please note that our central recruiting team is responsible for selecting applicants. Frau Ewelina Dyczek...

  • Company STAL OÜ in Soe

    Tööülesanded: Autode hooldus, autoremonditööd, rehvitööd, sõidukite kliimasüsteemide hooldus ja remont, sillastend.võimalust spetsialiseeruda (silla- ja veermikutööd, piduritööd, mootori-ja käigukastide remonttööd, autoelektrik, klaasitehnik, sillastendi tehnik jne);Omalt poolt pakume: - huvitavaid ja väljakutseid pakkuvaid tööülesandeid;- tööd renoveeritud töökojas - soe ja valge;- kaasaegseid töövahendeid, sh palju eritööriistu;- võimalust spetsialiseeruda (autoelektrik, klaasitehnik, sillastendi tehnik jne);- erialaseid koolitusi;- töötulemustest sõltuvat töötasu. Muud nõuded: - varasem töökogemus autoremondi valdkonnas;- korrektsus ja usaldusväärsus;- tahe teha oma tööd hästi, soov õppida ja areneda.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Nordstemmen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company STAL OÜ in Soe

    Otsime oma meeskonda autoelektriku ja autodiagnostiku oskustega töötajat.Tööülesanded: Autode elektritööd.Autode diagnostikatööd.Lisavarustuse paigaldamine.Omalt poolt pakume: - huvitavaid ja väljakutseid pakkuvaid tööülesandeid;- head töötingimused renoveeritud töökojas, kus on soe ja valge;- kaasaegseid töövahendeid, sh palju mitmesuguseid eritööriistu;- erialaseid koolitusi;- töötulemustest sõltuvat töötasu. Muud nõuded: - varasem töökogemus autoremondi valdkonnas;- korrektsus ja usaldusväärsus;- tahe teha oma tööd hästi, soov õppida ja areneda.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Lehrte
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company OÜ Autoremservis in Other

    Tööülesanded: Autode komplekteerimine, ettevalmistamine ja värvimine.Omalt poolt pakume: Tööriided, õigeaegne tasu, püsiv töökoht, sõbralik personal. Uus värvikamber.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Gronau Betheln
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Osaühing Karjamõisa in Other

    Abitöötaja erinevatel töödelTööülesanded: Töö lihatööstuses; lihasaaduste sorteerimine; kastide pesemine; toodete pakkimine ja komplekteerimine; koristamine; muud tööd.Omalt poolt pakume: Väikest rahulikku töökeskkonda; sõltuvalt tööpanusest lisatasu; tööriided.Muud nõuded: Tervisetõend.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Burgdorf
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company osaühing Kruviks in Other

    Tööülesanded: Masinaehitusettevõte Kruviks Tabasalus võtab alaliselt tööle treial-freesija, kes omab töökogemust trei- ja freespinkidega.Omalt poolt pakume: •Konkurentsivõimelist töötasu•Turvariided•Vahvaid kolleegeKodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Hildesheim
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company OÜ Lamarmora in Soome

    MIG-MAG-TIG keevitajaTööülesanded: Metallkonstruktsioonide, masinaehituses või torude MIG-MAG keevitamine.Jooniste lugemine ja arusaamine.Oskus iseseisvalt koostada detaile või koostöös lukksepaga.Omalt poolt pakume: Stabiilset ja püsivat tööd.Majutus ja sõidukompensatsiooni.Häid palgatingimusi.Soovi korral ka töölähetused Soome.Töölepingu sõlmib OÜ Lamarmora, töötaja asub tööle renditöötajana.Muud nõuded: Sertifikaatide olemasolu tuleb kasuks.Soome ohutuskaardid peavad olema.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Nordstemmen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Kingaprof Pärnu OÜ in Pärnu

    Kingaprof OÜ avab 1.juulil 2024 oma esinduse Pärnu Kaubamajaka keskuses. Otsime oma meeskonda kingsepp-võtmemeistrit.Tööülesanded: Klientide teenindamine, klientide nõustamine, kauba müük, tellimuste vastu võtmine ning edastamine, jalatsite parandus, jalatsite hooldus, võtmete valmistamine, kellapatareide/puldipatareide vahetusOmalt poolt pakume: Iseseisvat vahetustega töödStabiilset sissetulekutHäid töötingimusiVäljaõpet Tallinnas (majutus ettevõtte poolt)Lisaks põhipalgale müügitulemustel põhinevat tulemuspalkaKodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Edemissen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Osaühing Katroni in Other

    Tööülesanded: Kala fileerimine, külmutamine.Omalt poolt pakume: Head töötasu;vajadusel pakkuda ametikorter.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Lengede
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Starmast OÜ in Other

    Tööülesanded: Ettevalmistus ja tööde järjestuse kavandamine;toodete ettevalmistamine värvimistöödeks;metallkonstruktsioonide kõrgsurve värvimine;vajadusel värvimisjärgsed viimistlustööd.Omalt poolt pakume: Meeldivat sõbralikku kollektiivi;stabiilset, püsivat tööd ja sissetulekut;vajadusel tööalast täiendõpet kohapeal.Muud nõuded: Kasuks tuleb värvija kutsetunnistus.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Hohenhameln
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Starmast OÜ in Other

    Tööülesanded: Metallide lõikamine, keevitamine, kokkujootmine, kinnitusdetailide valmistamine ja parandamine;vajadusel abitööd tootmises.Omalt poolt pakume: Meeldivat sõbralikku kollektiivi;stabiilset, püsivat tööd ja sissetulekut.Kodus töötamise võimalus: Ei...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Peine
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company LiègeGraniPierre in Other

    - Avoir des notions de lecture de plans (CAD)- Avoir des notions quant à l'utilisation d'une machine centre d'usinage 3 axes- Accepter de faire quelques finitions manuelles de certaines pièces lorsqu'elles sortent de l'usinage. - Aimer travailler dans le domaine de la marbrerie (plan travail de cuisine, escalier, ...)- Parler correctement le français (des notions d'anglais sont un atout) ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Peine
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Le Moulin de la Hunelle in Other

    Réaliser des articles textiles sur mesure selon les demandes des clientsRespecter les finitions souhaitées : passepoil, double passepoil, triple passepoil, etc.Maîtriser les différentes machines à coudre (surjeteuse, piqueuse, etc)Etre capable d’effectuer des retouches : changer des tirettes, raccourcir des vêtements, etc.Assurer un contrôle qualité rigoureux à chaque étape de la confection.Savoir utiliser une brodeuse est un atout ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Sehnde
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...


    Savoir souder à l arc  ,à la semi automatique ,fabrication métallique  ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Uetze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company LGC Invest in Macon

    En tant que maçon Q1 vous devrez être capable de:  - Poser des profils et reporter des niveaux de référence; - Préparer des liants mécaniquement ou manuellement;- Maçonner ou coller différents matériaux (briques, blocs, moellons);- Poser des éléments préfabriqués (linteaux, hourdis, poutrelles, ...);- Découper sur mesures des éléments de construction; - Réaliser des pose d'étanchéité; - Réaliser des égouttages. ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Wendeburg
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company VH MECA TRUCKS in Ans

    Vous êtes mécanicien de cœur et d’esprit et la connaissance de l'électricité est un plus.Vous êtes responsable de l'entretien et de la réparation de camions et véhicules utilitaires.Vous êtes responsable de l’entretien général du garageVous contribuez à un environnement de travail ordonné, net et sécuriséVous avez l’expérience pour la fonction recherchée : : Junior accepté (min 2 ans en industrie ou poids lourds)Vous travaillez de façon autonome ou en équipe pour un poste varié et techniquement difficileVous êtes une personne flexible, professionnellement et personnellementVous êtes orientés “solutions” ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Pattensen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company DEVRAY in Other

    Nous recherchons un tourneur-fraiseur capable de réaliser des pièces mécaniques sur tours et fraiseusesconventionnelles ainsi que sur base de programmation conversationnnelle. ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Giesen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...


    Réalisation de terrassemments, construction et rénovation, aménagements extérieurs, rejointoyage, etc. ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Algermissen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company SMET - BORING in Fleurus

    En tant que gestionnaire projets/chantiers, vous serez amené à collaborer les différents intervenants des projets : ingénieurs, concepteurs, dessinateurs, entrepreneurs, sous-traitants, etc…Vous devrez visiter les chantiers, étudier et réfléchir pour définir une méthode d’exécution, rédiger la commande,  établir le planning et veiller à la mise en œuvre.Suivre toutes les procédures d’exécution afin d’assurer le bon déroulement du chantier.Vous assisterez directement le responsable de l’exécution du chantier dans ses différentes tâches. ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Ilsede
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company GERLAXHE - DELVENNE in Other

    Vous effectuez des travaux de couverture sur des bâtiments en rénovation ( chez des particuliers principalement). ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Uetze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company GERLAXHE - DELVENNE in Other

    Vous effectuez des installations sanitaires dans des bâtiments en rénovation  (chez des particuliers principalement). ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Edemissen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Nekto in Other
    05.06.2024 mission de Nekto est d’offrir à des personnes handicapées un emploi utile et rémunérateur tout en maximisant leur bien-être au travail ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Uetze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Nekto in Other

    Fabriquer tout objet en bois en suivant un plan ou un prototype.Régler des machines.Contrôler la qualité de la production.  ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Söhlde
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company DELMAT - ALLEUR in Nouvelles

    Technicien 75%:Vous êtes en charge du diagnostic, de l’entretien et de la réparation de divers équipements motorisés tels que des bétonnières(Electrique et thermique), monte charge, groupe électrogène et autres machines similaires.• Assemblage et montage de machine• Diagnostic des pannes• Réparation et entretien• Tests de fonctionnement• Assurer un service de qualité pour notre clientèle professionnelleMagasinier 25 %: Vous préparez les commandes des clients et vous les aidez à charger leurs marchandises .Décharger, contrôler et ranger les nouvelles marchandises ;Veillez à ce que la zone de travail soit en ordre ;Vous entretenez de manière préventive la matériel confié ;Vous emballez les commandes et vous préparez les livraisonsVous pouvez être amené à effectuer des livraisons  Pro...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Gehrden
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company HGD in Other

    Vous êtes chargé de travailler sur une presse à découper le métal pour la fabrication de quincaillerie.Vous alimentez votre poste en matières premières.Vous changez et réglez votre outillage de découpe. ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Ronnenberg
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company WATERTECH in Other

    Responsabilité et missions- assembler des systèmes mécaniques (et parfois électrique) à partir de pièces fournies.-réceptionner et identifier ces pièces fournies-corriger les éventuels défauts des pièces, les façonner ou les adapter à leur usage finalLes qualités suivantes sont requises :-savoir lire un plan de montage, même en anglais-maitriser les techniques d'assemblages-savoir suivre des instructions et garder une marge d'improvisation si nécessaire- Assembler des mécanismes plus ou moins complexes-vérification du bon fonctionnement de l'ensemble ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Uetze
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company in Other

    Pour une société spécialisée dans les travaux d'usinage, nous sommes à la recherche d'un tourneur.Vous êtes capable de travailler sur un tour conventionnel?Vous avez déjà travaillé sur des petites séries et réaliser des réparations?Vous savez effectuer des travaux en millimètres?Vous savez identifier les phases d'usinage et les cotes de réglages (tolérances, positions, états de surfaces, ...) de la pièce et des outils?Vous savez monter et régler les outils de coupe, le positionnement et le maintien de la pièce et les paramètres d'usinage (vitesse, avance, passe, lubrification, ...)?Vous savez mettre en service une série et surveiller le déroulement de l'usinage?Vous avez déjà travailler sur de la fonte, l'acier, le plastique ou le composite?Alors ce job est fait pour vous!Venez vit...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Sehnde
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company NEON ALEX in Other

    Nous recherchons une personne:- ayant des bases en électricité- n'ayant pas le vertige- sachant porter des charges- ayant de l'expérience dans le montage en hauteur,- le permis nacelle étant un plus.Cette personne doit être responsable, habile, polyvalente. Les chantiers étant différents chaque jour, il faut être capable de comprendre très vite et de s'adapter. Chaque personne travaillant au sein de notre société a un rôle unique. Ce n'est donc nullement un travail à la chaine, d'où la responsabilité de chacun. Nous offrons un CDI à temps plein.   ...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Söhlde
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Vivaldis Construct Tournai in Tournai

    Pour une société de la région de Tournai, Vivaldis Construct Tournai recherche un maçon expérimenté.Au nom de cette société, vous serez amené à : interpréter des plansréaliser de fondations, des coffrages, du ferraillage et du bétonnageposer de conduites et de tuyaux de drainageeffectuer des travaux de maçonnerie et placer d’éléments préfabriquésréaliser des travaux d’étanchéité et d’isolation thermiquejointoiement et rejointoiementprocéder à des travaux de démolition, de rénovation ou de décorationposer des échafaudages, utiliser et placer des étançons (grosse pièce en acier ou en bois, placée sous un mur pour le soutenir)Profil recherchéVous êtes autonome en maçonnerieVous n'avez évidement pas de le vertigeVous possédez votre permis B et votre véhicule pour vous rendre au dépôtsV...

  • Company Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH in Nordstemmen
    05.06.2024 Updated on: 05.06.2024

    At this location, we are looking for warehouse operatives (f/m/x) for our client Amazon. Sorter (f/m/x) + 14,10 €/hr. + Ticket Refund € 50 in Sehnde Your tasks General warehouse work Picking products from shelving racks Packing and dispatch of products with scanner and electronic tools Your profile Basic German or English Warehouse experience welcome, but not required For non-EU citizens: valid work permit + valid passport Your perspectives MONETARY BENEFITS: Attractive hourly wage at the amount of € 14.10 Commuter Benefit € 50 Shift, Sunday and bank holiday bonuses of up to 100 % € 500 (Brutto) for every successful referral of a new employee WORK-LIFE-BALANCE: A steady income from day one Free choice to choose shifts (early, late or night shift by agreement) Individual train...

  • Company Vivaldis Construct Tournai in Tournai

    Pour un client de la région de Comines Warneton, Vivaldis Construct Tournai est à la recherche d'un sanitaristeSi vous êtes disponible et que les tâches suivantes vous sont familières, foncez et appelez-nous !Au sein de cette société : Vous effectuez des travaux de rénovation de salles de bains.Vous êtes capable de lire un plan, de démonter totalement ou partiellement une ancienne installation sanitaire.Vous tracez les emplacements des appareils et le cheminement des tuyauteries,vous percez les murs, cloisons, planchers et creusez des tranchées et effectuez des saignées.Vous placez, équipez et raccordez les appareils sanitaires.Vous assurez l'étanchéité des canalisations et organes accessoires.Vous serez amené à effectuer de petits travaux de menuiserie, carrelage et éventuellement...

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