Jobmonitor. Search results for arbeitsmarkt24. Page 20

121231 Jobs found

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  • arbeitsmarkt24x
Displaying 1901-2000 of 121231 results.
  • Company Publicis Sapient in Köln

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...


    Zakres obowizków: pomoc psychologiczna uczniom Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: wysze (w tym licencjat) - konieczne - pozostae: wyksztacenie wysze o kierunku Psychologia, przygotowanie pedagogiczne, umiejtno pracy z uczniami o rónych potrzebach Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: CV - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Kriftel

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...

  • Company Szkoła Podstawowa nr16 in Other

    Zakres obowizków: Nauczanie matematyki w klasach IV-VIII. Praca od poniedziaku do pitku w godzinach: 7:45-16:20, wedug grafiku ustalonego z pracodawc. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: wysze (w tym licencjat), typ: pedagogiczne - konieczne - pozostae: przygotowanie pedagogiczne. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Dieburg Roßdorf

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Szkoła Podstawowa nr16 in Other

    Zakres obowizków: Nauczanie chemii w klasach VII-VIII. Praca od poniedziaku do pitku w godzinach: 7:45-16:20, wedug grafiku ustalonego z pracodawc (10 godzin lekcyjnych w tygodniu). Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: wysze (w tym licencjat), typ: pedagogiczne - konieczne - pozostae: przygotowanie pedagogiczne. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: - - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Neufahrn bei Freising

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Gdyńska Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa in Other

    Zakres obowizków: Prace w Dziale Techniczno-Eksploatacyjnym Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: rednie zawodowe, typ: techniczne - konieczne; wysze (w tym licencjat), typ: techniczne - podane - pozostae: Umowa na okres próbny 3 miesice-docelowo umowa o prac. Wymagane uprawnienia SEP w zakresie dozoru urzdze ciepowniczych i gazowych. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: CV - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Hohenlinden

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Archiwum Wojskowe w Toruniu Oddział Zamiejscowy w Gdyni in Dobra

    Zakres obowizków: - analizowanie i uzgadnianie dokumentów zwizanych z brakowaniem dokumentacji niearchiwalnej oraz przygotowywanie zezwole na zniszczenie dokumentacji dla jednostek organizacyjnych objtych nadzorem archiwalnym;- udzia w ekspertyzach archiwalnych;- opiniowanie jednolitych rzeczowych wykazów akt opracowanych przez jednostki organizacyjne objte nadzorem archiwalnym oraz innych aktów normatywnych zgodnie z obowizujcym stanem prawnym;- nadzorowanie przygotowania dokumentacji z jednostek organizacyjnych do przekazania do archiwum, opiniowanie spisów akt do przekazania;- przyjmowanie materiaów archiwalnych z jednostek organizacyjnych objtych nadzorem archiwalnym Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: rednie ogólnoksztacce - konieczne; wysze (w tym licencjat) - podane - pozostae: Mile widziany...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Bischofsheim

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Foldens Hotel Aps in Other

    Foldens Hotel søger frisk morgentjener til vores team.Er du morgenfrisk og kan lide at arbejde i et frisk miljø med mange bolde i luften, er dette sikkert dig.Mødetiden er fra kl. 06.00-14.30ca. hver anden weekend fri.Arbesjdopgaverne består i at klargøre morgenbuffet, servicerer gæster, lidt receptions arbejde samt cafearbejde.Du kommer til at arbejde i et frisk team, med skønne kollegaer og fantastiske gæster.Du skal være serviceminded og let til smil.Skulle ovenstående stilling være noget for dig, ser vi frem til at høre fra dig....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Köln

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company CAFÉ SEBASTOPOL ApS in Other

    BARISTA-BUFFISTEr stabilitet vigtigt i dit arbejdsliv?Efter snart 27 år på Sankt Hans Torv tilbyder vi stabilitet og kontinuitet. Fast vagtplan, fast friweekend, løn efter aftale.løn ramme starter ved 140,- og opefter/iforh. for den erfarende medarbejder,mad ordning og gode personale priserjobbet,Du har erfaring med espressomaskine, cocktails, juicer & smoothies og godt kendskab til fransk vin.Vi er den klassiske franske Bistro på Nørrebro, udtrykt i maden, vinen og indretningen....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Hanau

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company APOLLO VAGT V/BO HANSEN in Other

    Apollo vagt søger 2 deltids uniformeret vagt i KBH`s område.Hvis du er pensionist/skolesøgende, eller der imellem - ville dette job kunne kombineres.Du skal have bestået vagt uddannelsen. Du skal have psykken og et smil på læben, samt hurtigt at kunne se den enkelte situation i butikken.Vi kan tilbyde en weekend vagt, (Lørdag + Søndag) nogle gange kan det blive 2 weekender på en måned. Det er med 4 timer pr aftenSend os et par ord, ansøgning skal være skrevet på dansk. I ansøgning skal der også medfølge kopi af bestået vagt kursus bevis...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Flörsheim am Main

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...

  • Company OVEN VISSE VANDE ApS in København K

    Dit job vil bestå i at lave kaffe, skænke fadøl, lave drinks, give bordbetjening, vaske op, fylde op, rydde borde af og gøre rent.  Erfaring er en fordel, gerne fra lignende job  Vi forventer at du er kvik, lærenem sympatisk, udadvendt og smilende.  Du er fleksibel, serviceminded, og arbejder hårdt. Du er kendt med at kunne håndtere og tage beslutninger i pressede situationer. Vi søger en som skal kunne være til rådighed i sommerferien. Du skal kunne tale og forstå dansk.Vi er et udadvendt team, som alle glæder os til at møde dig. Kom personligt ned i cafeen med dit CV med billed, eller skriv en mail til  Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig Cafe oven vande. - Overgaden Ovenvandet 44 (Christianshavn) 1415 København K Vi byder på brunch til de morgenfriske, et stort udvalg...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Brieselang

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Sions Sogns Menighedsråd in København Ø

    Sions Kirke søger en kirketjener, 37 timer om ugen. Stillingen er ledig med tiltrædelse den 1. august 2024.Sions Kirke er rammen om et rigt kirke- og kulturliv med velbesøgte tiltag for alle aldersgrupper.Som kirketjener er du med til sammen med vores anden kirketjener og kirkens øvrige personaler at skabe rammerne omkring aktiviteterne, så kirken fremstår indbydende og klar til at modtage vores mange besøgende. Du vil møde mennesker i mange forskellige situationer, være med til at skabe tryghed i såvel de glædelige som de sorgfyldte. Du vil lære kirkens menighed at kende og sikre, at alle føler sig ventet og velkommen i kirken. Som kirketjener skal du bl.a. varetage følgende opgaver:Være personlig assistent for alle kirkens ansatte samt deltage i og forestå praktiske opgaver ved gudstjene...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Hohenbrunn

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Hotel Ry ApS in Frederiksberg C

    MISSIONS : · En charge de la qualification de la base de données clients, vous intervenez sur la promotion de l'entreprise et de ses services auprès de clients potentiels. · Vous détectez et formalisez-le besoin de l'interlocuteur professionnel, en proposant un service adapté et un rendez-vous commercial. QUALITES REQUISES : · Autonomie · Bonne élocution · Aisance téléphonique · Esprit d'équipe · Persévérance · Qualité d'écoute COMPETENCES REQUISES : · Maîtrise du Pack Office · Maîtrise de la messagerie Outlook PROFIL : · Première expérience réussie dans le domaine de la prise de rendez-vous BtoB CONDITIONS D'EMPLOI : · CDI / Temps plein · Vous ne travaillez pas le vendredi après-midi Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI Rémunération : à partir de 1900,00€ par mois Avantages : * Intéressement ...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Lohsa

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Van ApS in Glostrup

    Orkide Beauty & Nails søger passionerede negleteknikere til vores salon beliggende på Hovedvejen 91 i Glostrup. Løn efter aftale og kvalifikationer.Kvalifikationer:Erfaring som negleteknikker ( Specielt med akryl og gele negle)Erfaring inden for manicure, pedicure, og kunstige negleKreativitet og øje for detaljerGod kundeservice og kommunikationsfærdighederHvis du er interesseret i at blive en del af vores dynamiske team og trives i et miljø præget af skønhed og velvære, så send din ansøgning og CV til med emnelinjen "Negletekniker - Orkide Beauty & Nails". Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Blankenburg

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company HOTEL SØPARK, MARIBO A/S in Maribo

    Milling Hotel Søpark i Maribo søger tjener på fuldtidMilling Hotel Søpark søger tjener på fuldtid til vores restaurant og konference. Er du sød, smilende, udadvendt og elsker at servicere gæster? Vil du være en del af et team, hvor vi har det sjovt sammen, spiller hinanden gode, og hvor du kan være nærværende  og give vores gæster en god oplevelse, så er det dig vi mangler. Milling Hotel Søpark er et konference hotel, hvor vi både har mindre møder, de helt store konferencer og selskaber - og en hel masse dejlige sommergæster. Vores koncept er primært buffetservering både morgen, middag og aften - men også a la carte servering i vinterhalvåret.Milling Hotel Søpark er en del af Milling Hotels, og vores motto er ”Home away from home” så selvom vi er et stort konference hotel, går vi meget op ...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Aying

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...

  • Company La Viva Slagelse ApS in Slagelse

    Vi søger 5-10 kokke til vores cafeer på forskellige lokalitter i landet. Vi har foskillige cafer under navnet Cafe La Viva, Cafe de flore og Ferdinands bøfhus Slagelse. Det er en beitngelse at, du er faglært i form af relevant kokkeuddannelse, eller nogle års erfaring inden for gastronomi og restauration. Du skal kunne arbejde selvstændigt og i teams uden problemer. Du skal være disciplineret, har forståelse for detaljen, kan tage imod ønsker/anmodnigner, og kan indgå i udviklingen af evt. nye menuer. Kendskab til engelsk eller tyrkisk er et plus. Vi tilbydder løn i forhold til kvalifikationer og ift. ansvaret. Send dit CV med evt. relevante diplomer til min mail. ...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Neuenhagen Bad Freienwalde

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Skovkro Gyrstinge ApS in Other

    Vi søger 2 serviceminded og smilende medarbejdere til vores ishus!Du skal betjene glade isgæster i ishusets åbningstid yorsdag-søndag. Og du haar fri hveranden weekend.Du skal være serviceminded, pligtopfyldende og selvfølgelig god til at tale med kunder. Vores ishus åbner d. 28. marts og lukker ned igen d. 8. september. Hvis det lyder som noget for dig, så send os endelig lidt info til os på og fortæl lidt om dig selv, og hvorfor du er den perfekte issælger :) ...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Stahnsdorf

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Dyvig Badehotel in Other

    Tjener søges til Dyvig Badehotel til sæsonnen 2024Vi søger faglærte tjener til Danmark Smukkeste Badehotel - Dyvig BadehotelDu bliver en del af et team der brænder for det faget, der byder på forskellige udfordringer så som de klassiske køkken samt det franske og danske.Du har erfaring fra tidligerer jobs i restaurantfaget eller ved ligende jobs med kontakt med mennesker - eller Du er ganske ny i faget og vil gerne udfordre Dig selv. Vi har A la Carte i vores gourmetrestaurant samt i vores Brasserie - såsom selskaber som bryllupper, runde fødselsdage samt mærkedage. Du sætter en ære i, at kvaliteten altid er i top.Du tager ansvar og ejerskab.Du er åben og ærlig og værdsætter fællesskabet.Du er fleksibel og bidrager til et godt arbejdsmiljø.Du kan bevare det rolige overblik - også når tempo...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Gröbenzell

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Zheng ApS in Other

    Hana Sushi er en dynamisk og moderne sushi restaurant beliggende i Sydhavn. Vistræber efter at tilbyde vores gæster en autentisk smagsoplevelse med friske,kvalitetsingredienser og innovativ tilberedning. Vores team er passioneret omkringjapansk og kinesisk kulinarisk kunst og gæstfrihed.Jobbeskrivelse:Vi søger en kreativ og dedikeret kok, der kan være med til at løfte Hana Sushiskulinariske niveau og sikre, at hver ret ikke blot smager fremragende, men ogsåpræsenteres estetisk tiltalende.Primære arbejdsopgaver:Forberedelse og tilberedning af sushi og andre kinesisk retter i henhold tilrestaurantens standarder.Opbevaring og håndtering af råvarer på en måde, der sikrer friskhed og kvalitet.Udvikling af nye retter og menuer i samarbejde med køkkenchefen.Overholdelse af alle sundheds- og sikke...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Oberding

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Marys Pub in København K

    Tjener afløser søges til weekendvagter på Marys pub, samt evt ferie / fasre aftenvagter.Du skal være kundemindet / ærlig / smilende.Oplæring finder sted.Send kort cv. til Poul Erik mail

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Leegebruch

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Lemvig Apotek Benedicte Hjerl Carstensen in Lemvig

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Apotheker/-innen für Nordwestjütland, DänemarkKönnen Sie, zusammen mit guten, kompetenten Kollegen, Apotheken zu neuen Höhen führen?Dann ist jetzt die Gelegenheit! Wir bieten unbefristete, spannende und sich immer weiter entwickelnde Jobs als Apotheker:in. Bei den zu besetzenden Stellen handelt es sich um Festanstellungen für 160 Stunden oder nach Vereinbarung, die zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt bzw. nach Vereinbarung besetzt werden sollen.Die Apotheken arbeiten gezielt mit professioneller Beratung, z.B. um die Einhaltung und das Verständnis der medikamentösen Behandlung sicherzustellen. Ihre Aufgabe besteht darin, fachlich und gesetzgeberisch auf dem neuesten Stand zu sein und dieses Wissen an Kunden und die übrigen Mitarbeiter weiterzugeben. Auch die Zusammena...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Rösrath

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Bake My Day ApS in Other

    Vi søger en engageret og smilende cafemedarbejder til vores hyggelige café beliggende på Amagerfælledvej, lige overfor DR Byen og tæt på DR Byens Metrostation og til vores nyeste café i Kajen ved Fisketorvet. Som medarbejder hos Bake My Day bliver du en vigtig del af vores dedikerede team, hvor vi vægter varme, fleksibilitet og positivitet. Arbejdsopgaver:        •       Ekspedition af kunder        •       Kaffebrygning og servering af vores lækre bagværk        •       Pakning af bestillinger        •       Opvask og rengøring        •       Assistance i køkkenet        •       Lejlighedsvis hjælp ved levering af kager (hvis du har kørekort) Kvalifikationer:        •       Varm og imødekommende personlighed        •       Praktisk anlagt og fleksibel        •       Evne til at give vores...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Groß-Zimmern

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Pilestræde 50 ApS in Other

    Er du en natteravn fuld af fest og godt humør? så er det måske dig vi søger.  Vi tilbyder et spændende og festligt arbejde primært fredag lørdag aften og nat. Men også mulighed for flere timer de andre dage. Kan du skabe en god steming og give vores gæster en suoer service, så send en ansøgning gerne med foto til   God løn tilbydes samt personalegoder....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Sauerlach

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company GOTHERSGADE 35 ApS in Other

    IBIZA BEACH BAR Københavns flotteste  bar søger bartendere.Er du i godt humør, serviceminded og kan arbejde ca. 6-10 gange pr. måned, primært om aftenen  torsdag torsdag fredage lørdage, så send en ansøgning gerne med foto til info@ibizabeachbar.dkVi er Københsn førende festbar med de bedste cocktails. Erfaring ikke nødvendig  oplæring finder sted....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Egling

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company CAFE MUNDO ApS in Other

    Hey du.Er du helt igennem fantastisk til at sørge for gæsterne for det de gerne vil have med et smil på læben ?Kan du holde styr på at gæsterne er glade og tilfredse , eller gøre dem det hvis der skulle ske uventede forsinkelser eller andet ?Er du en god kollega ?Og er du klar til at arbejde et sted, hvor det gerne skal være rart for alle at være både gæster og personalet ?Så skynd dig at sende os en ansøgning, vi står nemlig og mangler netop dig :-)Er det deltid eller fuldtid du ønsker, send en ansøgning og så ser vi på det.Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig MvhCafe Mundo...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Din Frisør in Videbæk

    FRISØR SØGES Vi søger en passioneret frisør til vores team i Videbæk! Hvis du er udadvendt, smilende og stabil med evnen til at tage ansvar, så er det dig, vi leder efter!Vi tilbyder:- Fuldtidsstilling (37 timer)- Løn: 170-190 kroner i timen, afhængigt af dine kompetencerEr du klar til at tage det næste skridt i din karriere? Ring til Henriette på 20 85 20 35 eller send en sms for en uforpligtende samtale. Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig! ...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Niederkassel

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Biznes Expert Sp z o.o. in Marki

    Zakres obowizków: stworzenie autorskich materiaów marketingowych, które bd wykorzystane do promocji marki spóki Awem Games Limited zgodnie z wymaganiami projektu;pisanie przekonujcych tekstów reklamowych, opisów produktów i usug, które bd skutecznie komunikowa przesanie marki i przyciga uwag klientów;pisanie autorskich tekstów, które bd promowa produkty spóki Awem Games Limited; stworzenie autorskich obrazów, materiaów reklamowych, które przekonujco prezentuj produkty marki. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: wysze (w tym licencjat) - konieczne - jzyki obce: biaoruski - w mowie: B2 - wyszy rednio zaawansowany, w pimie: B2 - wyszy rednio zaawansowany - konieczne - inne zawody: Pozostali specjalici do spraw reklamy i marketingu - konieczne - pozostae: umiejtno zachowania spójnoci w tonie, stylu i pr...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Schulzendorf

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Spycher Fondue House GmbH in Other

    Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir nach Vereinbarung eine/n Service-Mitarbeiter/in. Deine Herausforderung: - Betreuung nationaler und internationaler Gäste  - Empfehlung und Beratung bei Speisen und Getränken - Du arbeitest im à la Carte Service sowie bei kleineren Banketten - Erstellen der Mise en Place - Einhalten der Qualitäts- und Hygienestandards Das bringst du mit: - Berufserfahrung - Servicekenntnisse - Sympathisches und sicheres Auftreten - Aufgestellte und motivierte Persönlichkeit - Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse, weitere Sprachen von Vorteil - Flexible Arbeitszeiten (auch Wochenenden und Feiertage)...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Hennef

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company McDonald's Restaurant Sihlbrugg in Other

    Nach intensiver Einschulung an den unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Küche (Grill, Friteusen, Salatzubereitung, Garnierung von Produkten, Fertigstellung von Produkten, Verpacken von Produkten) sowie Erlernen unseres Kassensystems, sowie des Drive Thru Systems werden die Kandidaten in allen Bereichen zum Einsatz kommen. Wir benötigen einsatzfreudige, junge Mitarbeiter, welche den Kunden in den Vordergrund stellen, gute Deutschkenntnisse sind eine Grundvoraussetzung für die Kassenkräfte oder am Drive Thru System. Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache sind ein Vorteil bei der Beurteilung der diversen Kandidaten; Wir erwarten flexible Mitarbeiter, damit wir unseren Kunden Gastfreundschaft, exzellenten Service und hochwertige Produkte täglich (inklusive Samstag, Sonn- und Feiertage) von 9 Uhr bis Mit...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Glonn

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company RESTAURANT GRØNTORVET ApS in København V
    06.05.2024 Updated on: 06.05.2024

    Vi søger et par tjenere til ansættelse hurtigst muligt. Grønttovet er en hyggelig dansk restaurant, hvor vi priser service og god mad højt. Krav til ansættelse er, at du kan arbejde her henover sommeren - ingen ferie i ugerne 26-30. Erfaring er en meget stort plus. Vi går en travl tid imøde, og søger derfor nogen, der kan holde fokus i pressede situationer. Udover det er vi en hyggelig arbejdsplads - en stor familie. Vi glæder os til at høre fra jer. Ansøgning skal ske på

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Schöngeising

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Powiatowy Urząd Pracy in Nysa

    Zakres obowizków: Przyjmowanie i wykadanie towaru, sprzeda artykuów spoywczych, obsuga kasy fiskalnej. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: brak lub niepene podstawowe - konieczne - pozostae: Wyksztacenie bez znaczenia, sta pracy na ww. stanowisku pracy, ksieczka do celów sanitarno-epidemiologicznych mile widziana, znajomo obsugi kasy fiskalnej. Sposób aplikowania: - kontakt przez Powiatowy Urzd Pracy Powiatowy Urzd Pracy w NysieSowiaska 19Nysa 48300 - wymagane dokumenty: Skierowanie od porednika. - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: TAK...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Monheim am Rhein

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...


    Zakres obowizków: tapicerowanie pokrowców meblowych na gotowe stelae meblowe Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: zasadnicze zawodowe - konieczne - inne zawody: Tapicer*, sta: 1 lat - podane - pozostae: - zaangaowanie do pracy,- dyspozycyjno,Istnieje moliwo przyuczenia na stanowisku tapicera. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty:     W CV prosz zawrze klauzul: Wyraam zgod na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w tej i w przyszych rekrutacjach, które mog si odby w terminie kolejnych 2 lat , zgodnie z art. 13 ogólnego rozporzdzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. (Dz. Urz. UE L 119 z 04.05.2016)". - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Reichshof Heide

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...

  • Company Med Personal24 AG in Stans

    Servicefachangestellte in Stans gesucht  Wir suchen für unser Restaurant in Stans eine freundliche und zuverlässige Serviceangestellte (w) in 100% Pensum. Die Stelle ist ab sofort zu besetzen.  Ihre Aufgaben:  - Begrüßung und Betreuung der Gäste  - Service am Tisch, einschließlich Aufnahme von Bestellungen und Empfehlungen von Speisen und Getränken  - Vorbereitung des Restaurants und der Tische  - Sicherstellung eines reibungslosen Ablaufs im Restaurant  Ihr Profil:  - Erfahrung im Servicebereich von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich  - Freundliches Auftreten und ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten  - Teamfähigkeit und Flexibilität  - Gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift  Wir bieten:  - Eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem familiären Umfeld  - Eine faire Entlohnung...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Oberschleißheim

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Powiatowy Urząd Pracy in Other

    Zakres obowizków: Zadania: Wsparcie informatyczne w codziennych problemach , wsparcie w zakresie systemów informatycznych funkcjonujcych w firmie (instalacja i konfiguracja oprogramowania, samodzielne diagnozowanie i rozwizywanie problemów), czynny udzia we wdroeniach i nowych projektach informatycznych, opieka nad urzdzeniami IT (serwery, i stacje robocze) oraz urzdzeniami peryferyjnymi. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: pomaturalne/policealne, typ: informatyczne - konieczne - pozostae: Oczekiwania : Wyksztacenie min. rednie, dowiadczenie w zakresie systemu operacyjnego Windows (stacje robocze, serwery)Active Directory, MS Office, Outlook, Teams, umiejtno rozwizywania problemów dot. sprztu komputerowego, znajomo j. angielskiego (w mowie i pimie) umoliwiajca swobodn komunikacj i czytanie dokument...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Neustadt Gelsenkirchen

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company SUNAH ADAM HALEK in Other

    Zakres obowizków: pozyskiwanie klientów; sprzeda instalacji fotowoltaicznych i pomp ciepa w terenie; prezentowanie oferty handlowej klientom biznesowym i indywidualnym; realizacj planów sprzedaowych; raportowanie rezultatów pracy; ksztatowanie dobrego wizerunku firmy; utrzymywanie pozytywnych relacji z klientami Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: rednie ogólnoksztacce - konieczne - umiejtnoci: komunikatywno - konieczne; obsuga komputera i internetu - konieczne; obsuga klienta i techniki sprzeday - konieczne - pozostae: [Umiejtno 1] : Prawo jazdy kat. BSposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: Brak danych. - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Köln

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company SUNAH ADAM HALEK in Other

    Zakres obowizków: pozyskiwanie klientówsprzeda instalacji fotowoltaicznych i pomp ciepa w terenieprezentowanie oferty handlowej klientom biznesowym i indywidualnymrealizacj planów sprzedaowychraportowanie rezultatów pracyksztatowanie dobrego wizerunku firmyutrzymywanie pozytywnych relacji z klientami Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: rednie ogólnoksztacce - konieczne - umiejtnoci: komunikatywno - konieczne; obsuga komputera - konieczne; Prawo jazdy kat. B - konieczne Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: CV - jzyki aplikowania: polski Przeznaczone wycznie dla osób zarejestrowanych w urzdzie pracy: NIE...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Poing

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...

  • Company Buffet de la Gare - CHANG THAÏ Sàrl in Other

    Cuisinier (homme ou femme)Cuisine thaïlandaiseDiplômé et au bénéfice de quelques années d'expérience....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Köln

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Griesalp Hotels in Alle

    Alle anfallenden Arbeiten an einer lebhaften Réception im Zusammenhang mit unseren Hotelgästen, Seminargästen, Imprévu-Gäste sowie Restaurationsgäste.Ihre Aufgaben:- Den Kunden über die Dienstleistungen des Betriebes und die Reservierungsmodalitäten informieren- Begrüßung der Kunden bei ihrer Ankunft und Erledigung der administrativen Formalitäten im Zusammenhang mit ihrem Aufenthalt- Gästebetreuung von Reservierungsannahme bis Rechnungsstellung- Check-in, Check-out- Korrespondenzen (D/E/F)- Kontrolle der Zahlungsmittel- Rechnungen ausstellen- Schließung einer KasseIhr Profil:- Freude und Spass am Verwöhnen unserer Gäste- Eine grosse Portion Freundlichkeit und Herzlichkeit- Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung im Bereich Hotel / Gastronomie / Tourismus- Gute Deutschkenntnisse, Fremdsprachenkenn...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Rommerskirchen

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Rest. Reichenstein in Other

    Für unser Restaurant suchen wir per sofort oder nach VereinbarungServicemitarbeiter*inder/die unser Team in einer familiären Atmosphäre ergänzt.Deine Aufgaben:• Service selbständig führen• Beraten, bedienen und verwöhnen unserer Gäste• Einhalten der HACCP Vorschriften• Allgemeine ReinigungsarbeitenDu bist:• Gastgeber mit Leib und Seele• Ein flexibler und belastbarer Teamplayer• Erfahren in der GastronomieEinsätze:Donnerstag - Sonntag: 09.00 - 14.00 und 16.00 - 22.00 UhrMontag - Mittwoch: Restaurant geschlossenHaben wir Dein Interesse geweckt und Du möchtest Teil unseres Teams werden? Dann kannst Du Dich gerne telefonische oder per E-Mail an den Betriebsinhaber, Hanspeter Teuscher, wenden....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Königs Wusterhausen

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Restaurant La Piscotte in Sur

    SERVEUR(H/F) 60-100%Pour la saison estivale 2024, de début mai à mi-septembreResponsabilités :• Accueillir chaleureusement les clients à leur arrivée, les accompagner à leur table et prendre leurs commandes.• Préparer les tables avant le service en assurant une mise en place soignée et en veillant à ce que tous les éléments nécessaires soient en place.• Assurer un service rapide et professionnel des boissons et des plats.• Maintenir un environnement propre et sûr pour les clients et le personnel en suivant les protocoles d'hygiène et de sécurité établis.• Maintenir une ambiance accueillante et conviviale pour les clients, en répondant à leurs besoins avec diligence.• Répondre aux questions des clients sur les menus, les plats et les boissons, en fournissant des informations précises et en ...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Westfalen

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...

  • Company Restaurant La Piscotte in Morges

    CUISINIER (H/F) 60-80%Pour la saison estivale 2024, de début mai à mi-septembreResponsabilités :• Assurer la mise en place et la préparation de la cuisine pour le restaurant, en veillant à maintenir des normes élevées de qualité et d'hygiène.• Gérer l'approvisionnement et les commandes des denrées alimentaires, en garantissant la fraîcheur et la disponibilité des produits nécessaires à la préparation des plats.• Préparer l'offre de petite restauration pour le snack, en proposant des mets savoureux et attractifs.• Contribuer à la préparation des banquets et événements privés, en participant à la création de menus personnalisés et en assurant une exécution impeccable lors des services.• Collaborer à la définition de la carte du restaurant, de l'offre pour les groupes et événements, ainsi que...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Seligenstadt

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Camping Fôret des Mélèzes in Other

    Poste d'agent d'accueil et entretienBonne présentation, sens de l'accueil.Camping de montagne...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Grevenbroich

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Café de la Promenade in Other

    Expérience professionnelle en tant que cuisinier.ère; Préparation, cuisson et présentation des plats.Connaissance des techniques culinaires, des produis alimentaires et des normes d'hygiène.Capacité de travailler rapidement et sous pression du coup de feu.Horaires coupés/ continus...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Fahrenzhausen

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Café de la Promenade in Other

    Expérience dans le domaine requise.Bonne présentation, dynamique, organisé.e, disposé.e à faire des horaires coupés et continus.Possibilité de logement selon disponibilité....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Oberursel

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company OKRĘGOWY OŚRODEK WYCHOWAWCZY w Pszczynie Łące in Pszczyna

    Zakres obowizków: praca na stanowisku psychologa w Orodku Wychowawczym.praca wg harmonogramu, 5 dni tygodniowo, w godzinach 8:00 - 20.00. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: wysze (w tym licencjat) - konieczne - pozostae: Poziom wyksztacenia:- Zgodnie z § 29 Rozporzdzenia MEiN z dnia 14 wrzenia 2023 r . w sprawie szczegóowych kwalifikacji wymaganych od nauczycieli (Dz.U.2023, poz. 2102), tj. Kwalifikacje do zajmowania stanowiska nauczyciela psychologa w przedszkolach, szkoach i placówkach, o których mowa w § 3 ust. 1, § 4, § 16, § 17 ust. 1, § 18 ust. 1, § 19, § 20 ust. 2 i § 2123, posiada osoba, która ukoczya:1) studia pierwszego i drugiego stopnia lub jednolite studia magisterskie prowadzone zgodnie z:a) nowym standardem ksztacenia na kierunku psychologia w zakresie odpowiadajcym prowadzonym zajc...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Teltow

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...


    Zakres obowizków: - Obserwacja i prowadzenie zaj psychologicznych z dziemi, konsultacje z rodzicami, wsparcie dla nauczycieli.- Zlecenie wykonywane 3 do 5 godzin tygodnioniowo w godzinach: 9:00-14:00. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: wysze (w tym licencjat) - konieczne - pozostae: Wymagane wyksztacenie wysze na kierunku psychologii. Mile widziane dowiadczenie zawodowe na stanowisku psychologa. Mile widziana wiedza i umiejtnoci z zakresu pracy z rodzin. Wymagane umiejtnoci: nawizywanie kontaktu z dziemi, niwelowanie deficytów rozwojowych, prowadzenie zaj terapeutycznych. Wymagane posiadanie wiedzy na temat zaburze psychicznych. Sposób aplikowania: - bezporednio do pracodawcy - wymagane dokumenty: CV - Kontakt KONIECZNIE wstpnie telefoniczny (Tel. 691-965-679) w godzinach 8:00-16:00 celem ustaleni...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Wörth

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...


    Zakres obowizków: - Zakres obowizków: kierowanie procesem wychowawczym podopiecznych, organizowanie aktywnoci, prowadzenie zaj tematycznych, rozwijajcych zainteresowania i pasje, indywidualna praca z wychowankami, pomoc w nauce, cisa wspópraca z opiekunami, rodzicami i innymi instytucjami, prowadzenie dokumentacji.- Firma zapewnia: umow o prac na okres próbny z moliwoci kontynuacji, prac w dowiadczonym zespole pedagogów, moliwo rozwoju przy realizacji dodatkowych projektów, dobr lokalizacj w centrum Katowic.- Praca na 1/2 etatu 4 godziny dziennie od poniedziaku do czwartku: 14:00-18:00, w pitki: 12:00-16:00. Wymagania: - wyksztacenie: wysze (w tym licencjat) - konieczne - pozostae: Wymagane studia w zakresie: pedagogiki opiekuczej, resocjalizacji, nauki o rodzinie, pracy socjalnej lub 3-le...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Kirchheim bei München

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Dom Dziecka w Mysłowicach im. św. Ojca Pio in Other

    Zakres obowizków: Organizuje i prowadzi zajcia wychowawcze oraz sprawuje opiek nad grup dzieci lub modziey. Pena odpowiedzialno za sumienn realizacj pracy opiekuczo-wychowawczej i dydaktycznej. Prowadzenie zaj wychowawczych zorganizowanych w grupie oraz wynikajcych z potrzeb grupy. Zapewnienie pomocy w nauce, organizacja czasu wolnego, zabaw, zaj sportowych oraz rozwój zainteresowa, wspópraca z rodzicami, szkoami, instytucjami w celu zapewnienia wychowankom warunków prawidowego rozwoju oraz pomocy w sytuacjach trudnych. Uczestniczenie w rónego rodzaju wyjciach, wyjazdach, wycieczkach z wychowankami. Pomoc w opiece nad dzieckiem niepenosprawnym. Systematyczne prowadzenie dokumentacji obowizujcej w placówce. Okres próbny 2 miesice. Praca na trzy zmiany, w godz. 9-21, 13-21, 21-9. Rozpoczcie ...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Leverkusen

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Med Personal24 AG in Wallisellen

    Dipl. Pflegefachperson 80-100% (m/w/d) für die Akutpsychiatrie in Region Sursee. Sind Sie bereit für eine neue Herausforderung in einem dynamischen und unterstützenden Team? Die Med Personal24 AG ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Vermittlung von Fachpersonal im Gesundheitswesen. Für unser geschätzten Kunden suchen wir ab sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine engagierte und erfahrene Dipl. Pflegefachperson 80-100% (m/w/d) für die Akutpsychiatrie in Umgebung Sursee. Werden Sie Teil eines professionellen Teams, das sich durch Empathie, Fachkompetenz und Leidenschaft für die psychische Gesundheit auszeichnet. Standort: Region Sursee Eintritt: Ab sofort oder nach Vereinbarung Ihre Aufgaben: Professionelle Pflege und Betreuung von Patienten in akuten psychiatrischen Zuständen Entw...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Moosach

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, personalization,...

  • Company Berghotel Schynige Platte in Interlaken

    Stellenbeschrieb Küche- Jegliche Aufgaben in den Bereichen des Sauciers, Entremetiers und Tournants- Mithilfe und Zuarbeit auf allen Posten- Einhaltung der Hygienevorschriften nach HACCP- Abendservice der Hotelgäste (4-Gang-Dinner)Fahrkarte Interlaken Ost bis Schynige Platte wird von uns zur Verfügung gestellt.Sind Sie bereit, die Sommersaison in unserem Team auf der Schynige Platte zu verbringen? Für diese Stelle ist das Übernachten im Personalhaus neben dem Berghotel Schynige Platte erforderlich.Wenn wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, senden Sie uns bitte Ihre kompletten Bewerbungsunterlagen inklusive Lebenslauf mit Foto, Motivationsschreiben, Zeugnisse und Zertifikate....

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Stockstadt am Main

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Kirchhofer AG in Other

    Ihre Aufgaben:•    Beratung und Betreuung unserer anspruchsvollen, nationalen und internationalen Kunden beim Kauf von hochwertigen Kosmetikartikeln und Lederwaren•    Aktive Netzwerkpflege, Erhaltung und Erweiterung unseres Kundenkreises•    Mithilfe bei der Präsentation unserer Verkaufsflächen, Schaufenstern und Vitrinen•    Unterstützung bei der Planung und Durchführung von Marketing-AktivitätenIhr Profil:•    Fundierte Erfahrungen im Verkauf von Luxusgütern mit Vorteil im Bereich Kosmetik und Lederwaren •    Sie wissen, worauf es bei anspruchsvoller Kundschaft ankommt, und entwickeln loyale Kundenbeziehung•    Zudem bringen Sie Teamspirit, Eigeninitiative, Enthusiasmus und Feingefühl mit•    Sie kommunizieren mündlich und schriftlich in Deutsch und verfügen ausserdem über sehr gute Eng...

  • Company Publicis Sapient in Glashütten

    In this role, you will help to drive the Data Science practice and play a critical role in helping advance the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning as a core building block for our market offerings. Assist in the project delivery for machine learning work, focusing on how the customer experience and understanding can be improved to help our clients' business growth ultimately. Further, you will partner with individuals in various divisions, industries and geographies to ensure that increasingly more solutions we bring to the market are data and insight-driven while helping identify new business opportunities and account growth. Your Impact Core areas of focus for our Data Science & Analytics group include Customer Analytics (segmentation, behaviour analysis, p...

  • Company Kirchhofer AG in Other

    Ihre Aufgaben:•    Beratung und Betreuung unserer anspruchsvollen, nationalen und internationalen Kunden beim Kauf von hochwertigen Kosmetikartikeln und Lederwaren•    Aktive Netzwerkpflege, Erhaltung und Erweiterung unseres Kundenkreises•    Mithilfe bei der Präsentation unserer Verkaufsflächen, Schaufenstern und Vitrinen•    Unterstützung bei der Planung und Durchführung von Marketing-AktivitätenIhr Profil:•    Fundierte Erfahrungen im Verkauf von Luxusgütern mit Vorteil im Bereich Kosmetik und Lederwaren •    Sie wissen, worauf es bei anspruchsvoller Kundschaft ankommt, und entwickeln loyale Kundenbeziehung•    Zudem bringen Sie Teamspirit, Eigeninitiative, Enthusiasmus und Feingefühl mit•    Sie kommunizieren mündlich und schriftlich in Deutsch und verfügen ausserdem über sehr gute Eng...

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