Jobmonitor. Search results for jobmove-ug-haftungsbeschrankt-3cf02a0. Page 1992

121697 Jobs found

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Displaying 121648-121697 of 121697 results.
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Patologiavdelingen ved Akershus Universitetssykehus søker etter overlege i patologi.Patologiavdelingen har ledig fast stilling som overlege i 100 %. Vi har behov for kompetanse innen flere ulike fagområder, herunder cytologi, og kombinasjoner av fagfelt kan diskuteres. Oppstarttidspunkt 1. september.Avdelingen tilstreber å ha et høyt faglig nivå og et godt sosialt miljø. Det er et utstrakt og godt samarbeid med de kliniske miljøene. Avdelingen utfører mange varierte oppgaver og er engasjert i ulike nasjonale og regionale prosjekter knyttet til patologifaget og persontilpasset medisin.     Patologifaget er i rask utvikling og vi tar mål av oss til å ta i bruk nyutviklede metoder. Det er bl.a. etablert egen seksjon for molekylærpatologi med ukentlige «tumor-board»-møter med patologer i de a...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Patologiavdelingen ved Akershus universitetssykehus har ledig en stilling som lege i spesialisering. Ønsker oppstart 1.maiPatologiavdelingen er en del av Divisjon for diagnostikk og teknologi (DDT) ved Ahus. Vi er rundt 80 ansatte i et meget hyggelig arbeidsmiljø. Avdelingen er inndelt i fire seksjoner: Histologi, cytologi, molekylær patologi og diagnostikk. I diagnostikk seksjonen jobber det 17 overleger, 6 LIS og 2 obduksjonsteknikere/patologiassistenter.Patologiavdelingen mottar prøvemateriale fra Ahus, spesialister og primærhelsetjeneste i opptaksområdet. I 2023 mottok vi 35587 histologiprøver, 72244 cervixcytologi prøver og 7150 klinisk cytologi prøver. Det ble utført 133 obduksjoner. I tillegg til ordinære tilleggsundersøkelser utfører vi molekylære analyser og flowcytometri. Vi har ...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Vi søker overlege til seksjon for nevrologisk og fysikalskmedisinsk rehabilitering   Vi søker deg som er motivert og har lyst til å jobbe i en spennende, nyopprettet seksjon ved nevrologisk avdeling.  Seksjonen består av enhet for sengeområde rehabilitering, enhet for poliklinikk rehabilitering, Parkinson- og hukommelsesklinikk og enhet for Helse i Arbeid med nevrologer og fysikalskmedisinere, sykepleiere, nevropsykologer og logopeder, mens fysio- og ergoterapeuter og kontorpersonell jobber i matrise. Seksjonen er i en utviklingsfase og har høy forskningsaktivitet som vi ønsker skal vokse videre. Du vil jobbe i et team med flotte medarbeidere med høy kompetanse. Du må like utfordringer og være glad i å samarbeide med medarbeidere, pasienter og pårørende.Avdeling for nevrologi og klinisk ne...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Er du en prest med interesse for barne- og ungdomsarbeid? Har du evne til nyskaping og utvikling? Dette kan være stillingen for deg. Ski og Kråkstad sokn søker ny kapellan til spennende og allsidig stilling.  Vi søker en prest med interesse for barne- og ungdomsarbeid, men som også kan tilpasse seg ulike aldersgrupper. Er du trygg i rollen som forkynner og har evne til å engasjere tilhørerne er det kjærkomment. Kråkstad ligger landlig til og kirken og tradisjoner står høyt, og Ski er et av Norges mest sentrale knutepunkt med stor vekst og nybygging. Stillingen her vil gi muligheter for både nyskaping og utvikling gjennom kirkens rolle i lokalsamfunnet, hvor satsning på barn og unge vil være særlig viktig.I begge menighetene er det stor oppslutning om gudstjenestene, kirkene brukes mye og a...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Er du vår nye sykepleier i en av våre avdelinger?  Vi har årsturnus og kan tilby todelt turnus, familievennlig arbeidstid og arbeidshelg hver 3. helg, og mulighet for delte langvakter hver 5. helg. Vi søker sykepleiere i faste stillinger men det er mulighet for vikariat. Hjemmesykepleien er en tjeneste som vokser, og det gir deg som sykepleier muligheter til å delta i spennende utviklingsarbeid. Hverdagen i hjemmesykepleien er variert og lærerik med en stor grad av selvstendighet, og faglig utfordrende oppgaver. Vi har høy andel sykepleiere med sterkt faglig engasjement. Våre avdelinger samarbeider tett og deler kunnskap med hverandre. Vi er opptatt av å holde oss faglig oppdatert ved kompetansehevende tiltak og kollegaveiledning. Vi har egne fagsykepleiere, og instruktører i både Proact o...

  • Company SKEIE SKOLE SFO in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Skeie skole er en barneskole med 375 elever og vel 60 ansatte.Skolen ligger naturskjønt til, med Hordnesskogen, Siljustøl og Fana Stadion i sitt nærområde. Skolen har fleksible undervisningsareal, baser og klasserom, og vi satser på å bygge gode team, der samarbeid står i fokus. På SFO jobber vi med aldersblandede aktivitetsgrupper og vektlegger Bergen kommunes satsingsområder, vennskap lek og læring i aktivitetene. Vi har Kunst og håndverk på stasjon, fysisk aktivitet i gymsal og ute, innelek med spill og konstruksjonsleker, område med stille aktivitet, og vi har fri lek.  ArbeidsoppgaverSammen med teamet  planlegge, gjennomføre og evaluere aktiviteter for barn på SFO. Aktiviteter er forankret i rammeplan for SFOLegge til rette for god lek blant barna for å gi positiv utvikling av sosia...

  • Company CBRE GWS NORWAY AS AVD OSLO in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    CBRE søker nå etter en dyktig Administrativ koordinator til et helt nytt og toppmoderne datasenter i Drangedal, Telemark. Dette er en spennende mulighet for deg som ønsker varierte arbeidsoppgaver i et fremtidsrettet og internasjonalt selskap.Som Administrativ koordinator vil du samarbeide tett med leder og spille en nøkkelrolle i teamet og ofte være den personen kunden, leverandører og kollegaer henvender seg til. Du skal blant annet sikre en smidig drift av daglige rutiner på lokasjonen, ha tett dialog med kunder og leverandører, være ansvarlig for alle innkjøp og være en støtte for kollegaer.Som person er du fleksibel, løsningsorientert og engasjert i å bidra til utvikling og vekst. God kommunikasjonsevne, både muntlig og skriftlig er essensielt. Du må videre kunne beholde roen i hektis...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Om stillingenVi har ledig et to-års vikariat som dommerfullmektig kode 0247, med tiltredelse 02. september 2024.Kontorsted er i Bodø. Kontraktsvilkårene omfatter plikt til å behandle saker ved rettsted i Svolvær ved behov.  Sorenskriver er faglig ansvarlig for dommerfullmektigene.  Dommerfullmektig utøver dømmende myndighet innenfor nær alle sakstyper etter bemyndigelse fra sorenskriveren, i økende grad etter som erfaring opparbeides.Nærmere opplysninger om stillingen fås ved henvendelse til sorenskriver Ingrid Johanne Lillevik eller nestleder Tarjei Ræder Breivoll. Epost: eller . Du kan også kontakte oss på telefon.  Domstolen benytter elektroniske saksdokumenter og videoløsninger for fjernmøter/konferanse.Saksbehandlingen skje...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Vil du bli vår nye kollega?Vi har ledig 100 % fast stilling for spesialist i voksenpsykiatri ved Poliklinikk psykisk helse DPS Kristiansund.Poliklinikken tilbyr utgreiing og behandling til personar som har moderate til alvorlege psykiske lidingar. Behandlinga kan vere ulike former for samtaleterapi individuelt eller i grupper, og eventuelt medikamentell behandling. Poliklinikken har mellom anna kompetanse innan psykodynamisk terapi, kognitiv terapi, korttids- og langtids gruppebehandling og medikamentell behandling. Poliklinikken har behov for å videreutvikle sin kompetanse på fleire ulike områder. For tida er aktuelle satsningsområder videreutvikling av kompetanse på psykoselidingar, traumelidingar, spiseforstyrring og behandling av samansette rus og psykiske lidingar (ROP). Kompetanse på...

  • Company SPIR HELSE AS in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Nå har du sjansen til å bli fastlege i Norges mest attraktive by!Spir Helse er et tverrfaglig veldrevet senter med fire fastleger, psykolog, kiropraktor, jordmødre og en bedriftshelsetjeneste.Legekontoret har to erfarne helsesekretærer og en sykepleier. Spir Helse har fokus på godt arbeidsmiljø og effektiv drift, og har egen administrativ leder som har ansvar for drift. Det er planlagt nye lokaler i 2025 nær kollektivaksen. Journalsystemet Pridok benyttes ved senteret. Journalsystem Pridok, har elektronisk timebestilling, e-resepter, e-konsultasjoner og e-kommunikasjon med kontoret via Kontoret er godt utstyrt for småkirurgi, gynekologi, spirometri, EKG med mer. Sandnes kommune satser på fastlegeordningen og har gjort en rekke tiltak for å bedre arbeidsvilkårene for fastlege...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Kreftklinikken er for tiden organisert med tre sengeposter, dagsenter og stor poliklinisk virksomhet (både på Øya og i Orkdal) og stråleterapienhet. Stråleterapienheten disponerer fire moderne lineærakseleratorer og utstyr for stereotaktisk stråleterapi. I samarbeid med Det medisinske fakultet, NTNU har vi også et regionalt kompetansesenter i lindrende behandling og et europeisk forskningssenter i palliasjon. Kreftklinikken ønsker å satse på og videreutvikle undervisning og forskning som en del av det integrerte universitetssykehuset, i tett samarbeid med Det medisinske fakultet, NTNU. Det legges stor vekt på å delta i kliniske studier. Undervisning på St. Olavs Hospital og i helseregionen er sentrale oppgaver for klinikken.Kreftpasienten i fokusKreftklinikken, avdeling sykepleie søker pos...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Vi søker anestesiolog til en 100 % fast stilling med ansettelse St. Olavs hospital HF, Akuttmedisinsk fagavdeling (AMFA) iKlinikk for akutt- og mottaksmedisin og Anestesiavdelingen i Klinikk for anestesi og intensivmedisin. Stillingen innebærer omtrent 50 % arbeid som anestesilege i Redningshelikoptertjenesten Ørland og omtrent 50 % arbeid som overlege ved Anestesiavdelingen St. Olavs hospital. St. Olavs hospital HF og Klinikk for akutt- og mottaksmedisin er gitt systemansvar for legetjenesten i Redningshelikoptertjenesten Ørland. Med utgangspunkt i avtalen mellom helseforetaket og Forsvaret, vil 330-skvadronen involveres i ansettelsesprosessen. To referanser er ønskelig. Personlig egnethet vil bli utfordret og blir vektlagt.ArbeidsoppgaverStillingsandelen i Redningshelikoptertjenesten (St...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.   About the jobWe are searching for a creative, skilled, and ambitious candidate for our activities on nonlinear integrated photonics.The candidate aims are to design, manufacture, and study advanced photonic integrated waveguides and microresonators based on a thin-film periodically poled lithium tantalate nanowaveguide platform. The main focus will be the development of advanced nanofabrication technologies for optical wavegu...

  • Company SUNDHEIMEN in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 25.04.2024

    Er du vår nye medarbeidar i eit spennande , triveleg og utviklande arbeidsmiljø? Fagdekninga er god og trivselen høg. Ønsker du å være del av vårt trivelege fellesskap, er du hjarteleg velkommen til å søke jobb hjå oss. Som kontormedarbeidar hjå oss er DU ei viktig støttespiller for alle på sjukeheimen. Du har mykje kontakt med både tilsette, bebuarar og besøkande. Det er arbeid 2 dagar ei veke og 3 dagar neste veke.  Arbeidsoppgåver: Ca 10 % av stillinga er Vederlagsberekning – opplæring vil bli påreknaFakturahandsamingArkivering / skanning til dokumentsenterHente/ levere/ fordele postBestilling av kontorrekvisitaKontorarbeid og andre oppgåver gitt frå lederTett samarbeid med einingsleiar og avdelingsleiararVære kontaktperson og ansvar for levering av tøy frå eksternt vaskeriHa oversikt o...

  • Company HELSET LEGESENTER AS in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Bærum kommune er landets 5. største kommune med over 130 000 innbyggere og 127 fastlegehjemler fordelt på 34 legekontor.Vi har nå en ledig næringsdrevet fastlegehjemmel ved Helset legesenter AS, da en av våre dyktige og hyggelige fastleger skal slutte.Helset Legesenter AS ble etablert i 1996 og holder til i funksjonelle og nyoppussede lokaler sentralt på Bærums Verk. Legesenteret er veldrevet og består av separate legekontorer med 5 hyggelige og erfarne fastleger (3 spesialister i allmennmedisin), og 5 dyktige og erfarne helsesekretærer, hvorav 1 sekretær jobber i 100% stilling og 4 sekretærer i 60% stilling.Helset Legesenter AS har som målsetting å være et legesenter med høy faglig og etisk standard, god tilgjengelighet for pasientene, trygg økonomi og trivsel på arbeidsplassen. Det serve...

  • Company GAUKEN LEGESENTER in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Nå har du sjansen til å bli fastlege i Norges mest attraktive by!Sandnes kommune satser på fastlegeordningen og har gjort en rekke tiltak for å bedre arbeidsvilkårene for fastlegene. Vi har flere fastlønnsleger på legevakt som dekker nattevakter for å avlaste fastlegene. Vi har fokus på samhandling med øvrige kommunale tjenester. Vi er opptatt både av å rekruttere og å beholde leger.  Under avsnittet "Vi tilbyr" kan du lese mer om de gode vilkårene som fastlønnet fastlege i Sandnes. Her finner du også mer informasjon om å være fastlege i Sandnes legesenter er et ganske nyopprettet kommunalt drevet fastlegekontor med fastleger i fast kommunal ansettelse. Det er planlagt flytting i sommer til nye og flotte lokaler i ...

  • Company GAUKEN LEGESENTER in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Nå har du sjansen til å bli fastlege i Norges mest attraktive by!Sandnes kommune satser på fastlegeordningen og har gjort en rekke tiltak for å bedre arbeidsvilkårene for fastlegene. Vi har næring som hovedmodell, men tilbyr også noen fastlønnsstillinger. Vi har også flere fastlønnsleger på legevakt som dekker nattevakter, og fokus på samhandling med øvrige kommunale tjenester. Vi er opptatt både av å rekruttere og å beholde leger.  Under avsnittet "Vi tilbyr" kan du lese mer om de gode vilkårene som fastlønnet fastlege i Sandnes. Her finner du også mer informasjon om å være fastlege i Sandnes legesenter er et ganske nyopprettet kommunalt drevet fastlegekontor med fastleger i fast kommunal ansettelse. Det er planlag...

  • Company HEMIT HF TRONDHEIM in Other
    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    I Hemit får du bli med på å løse en av de største utfordringene i samfunnet:hvordan skape en bærekraftig helsetjeneste for fremtiden.Vårt oppdrag er å levere gode, stabile tjenester til helseforetakene og bidra til at de når sine mål. Oppdraget gjør at vi får være med på å levere mange spennende tekniske løsninger, noe som utfordrer oss på å stadig utvikle nye tjenester som kommer samfunnet til gode.Stillingen inngår i seksjon Nettverk, i avdeling Basisdrift. Seksjonen har ansvar for drift og forvaltning av nettverksutstyr i Helse Midt-Norge. Vi har i dag utstyr blant annet fra Cisco, Palo Alto, Networks, F5 og Arista Networks og er langt fremme når det gjelder å ta i bruk nye tekniske løsninger.Som ansatt i Hemit får du mulighet til å arbeide med flere ulike løsninger og være med på å dri...

    17.04.2024 Updated on: 24.04.2024

    Er du engasjert i helsefaglig utdanning i spesialisthelsetjenesten, da søker vi nettopp deg!Vi søker en utadvendt og selvstendig rådgiver til utdanning- og kompetanseseksjonen i klinisk utdanningsavdeling ved forsknings- og utdanningssenteret (FORUT) i Universitetssykehuset Nord Norge (UNN). Avdelingen har 21 ansatte fordelt på to seksjoner som jobber med utdanning på lokalt og regionalt nivå. Som rådgiver vil du være en del av et team som jobber med  veiledning, pedagogikk, administrering av praksisplasser og praktisk klinisk undervisning. Arbeid med kvalitet i praksisstudier skjer i nært samarbeid med klinikkene/sentre i UNN og utdanningsinstitusjonene. En sentral oppgave i stillingen vil være å samarbeide med UiT om utvikling av profesjonsstudiet i medisin. UiT har økt opptaket  av stud...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Kidlington
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role:Temporary Communications OfficerReference no: Thames Valley BL TCL 361535Pay Rate: £19.16 per hour PAYE37 Monday – Friday, 08:40 - 17:00This opening assignment is for 11 monthsCity: KIDLINGTONRecruitment Vetting(RV)Hybrid with a minimum requirement to be in the office at least two days and week and to support operational needs. NB: Police Vacancy - only for candidates with a minimum of 5 years continuous UK address history. Please note that this vacancy is subject to a strict security vetting procedure. Provide effective two-way communications between the Force and its staff and external audiences by creating, implementing and evaluating communications plans across the Force.Key responsibilities: Manage a range of internal clients across the Force at depart...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Manchester
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role: QAD 1741/1104Role: Commercial OfficerContract Length: Anticipated 12 monthsLocation: 2 days per week in office (either Manchester/ Salford, Sheffield, Liverpool, Peterborough, Solihull or London)Pay Rate: Competitive Market RateAs Commercial Officer you will lead procurement activities and support complex and strategic procurements. You will work with policy teams and suppliers to support procurement activities and conduct market insight to inform the future procurement.You will commercially manage and support delivery of a range of high profile and business critical commercial arrangements that support the operational and strategic objectives of the organisation in line with procurement legislation, current government commercial best practice and procureme...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in london
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role: Role: Digital Media & Content OfficerJob Ref: QAD 1745/1204Pay Rate: Competitive Market Rate Hours per week: 37 hours per week Contract Length: Anticipated 3 monthsLocation: : London, HA6 – hybrid 2-3 days per week on siteAs Communications Officer you will be responsible for communicating work in a clear and engaging way, using newsletters, intranet, media releases, and by responding to media queries.Key accountabilities: Collaborate with members of the communications team, and with colleagues across the organisation, to plan and curate inspirational communications content. Act as a skilled and sympathetic editor of other people’s writing, helping them to reinforce key messages and engage with audiences. Development and editing of monthly blog posts for the...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Exeter
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role: Interim Reactive Repairs Works Surveyor - Housing AssetsReference no: Exeter TCL 5247450Pay rate: £35.00 per hour PAYEHours per week: 37 Monday to Friday, normal working hoursThis opening assignment is for 3 monthsCity: EXETER, DevonA Reactive Repairs Works Surveyor is required to carry out surveys and identify required responsive repairs and voids works to the Council’s housing stock, communal and environmental areas and assist with the ongoing management of the HRA investment programme. To prepare work schedules, raise orders and instruct contractors and oversee and monitor contractor performance and Contracts – including Contract Terms intervention as required. Undertake a full range of pre and post surveying services including project management, qualit...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in london
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role: Temporary CarpenterReference no: PHA TCL 0008 BF80 / 1 Pay rate: £16.29 per hour PAYEHours per week: 42.5 Monday to Friday, 08:00-17:00This opening assignment is for 4-5 months City: WEST LONDONBasic DBS required for this role Location - West London - W6, W10, W12, SW1, SW3, SW6, W1, W2A Carpenter, with a minimum of 5 years’ experience, is required to work with team members to complete tasks safely and efficiently. Work with tools and equipment as required.Key responsibilities: Tailoring and hanging of doors. Kitchen fitting including plumbing and basic electrical aspects. Building timber framework and structures. Dry lining and partition walls. Fitting and/or repairs of windows and doors. Repairs and replacement of hardware components. Diagnostic investig...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Worthing
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role:Temporary HOLMES IndexerReference no: Sussex BL TCL 361538Pay Rate: £13.77 per hour PAYE40 Monday – Friday, 08:00 - 16:00This opening assignment is for 18 monthsCity: WORTHINGNPPV Level 1 VettingNB: Police Vacancy - only for candidates with a minimum of 5 years continuous UK address history. Please note that this vacancy is subject to a strict security vetting procedure. You will be engaged on Operation Bramber. This is an investigation into potential offences of Gross Negligence Manslaughter in a healthcare setting.Key responsibilities: Creation and ongoing management of a HOLMES database by the registering and indexing of documents. Responsible for registering all documents entering the incident room to an appropriate subject. Indexing all information con...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Wembley
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role: Temporary Homelessness Prevention/Relief Prevention & Relief Officer x3 – Housing Needs Reference no: Brent 5247460 Pay rate: £19.95 per hour PAYEHours per week: 36 Monday to Friday, normal working hoursThis opening assignment is for 3 monthsCity: WEMBLEY, LondonHybrid working, 3 days in the office per week (2 of which will be in Harlesden)The purpose of this role is to deliver intense specialised support to single individuals and couples without dependent children who are in housing need. The posts’ primary function is to prevent homelessness by helping customers to retain their current accommodation and where this cannot be achieved, present a range of housing options to resolve their homelessness. To work closely with supported accommodation providers, p...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Maidstone
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role: QAD 1742/1104Role: Governance Administration OfficerContract Length: Anticipated 3 monthsHours: 37.5 hours per weekLocation: HYBRID WORKING Maidstone Hospital but will need to be cross-site and from home (Maidstone ME16 9QQ)Pay Rate: £16.96 per hour PAYESummary:The Governance Officer will support the Deputy Trust Secretary and the Trust Secretary in delivering the highest standards of corporate governance in the Trust, ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework, Trust licence, relevant legislation and Trust Constitution. The role will ensure that meetings of the Board Sub-committees are run efficiently and effectively by providing comprehensive administrative support including minute taking and being a key contact for Committee members.Providing comp...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Dethick
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role:Temporary Business Services Assistant / AdminReference no: Derbyshire 5247486Pay Rate: £11.98 per hour PAYE37 Monday to Friday, normal working hoursThis opening assignment is for 2-3 monthsCity: DETHICKEnhanced DBS disclosure requiredOffice based role and candidates suitable for interview will be expected to attend Lea Green in person for the interview. Provide administrative and other support where co-ordination, interaction and awareness of related activities are important.Key Responsibilities: Prepare documents and other materials to a clear brief using established formats and standard software. Collect, collate, enhance and organise information. Straightforward data analysis, manipulation and interpretation following clear procedure and guidance to provi...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Wembley
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    What's involved with this role:Temporary PCN Appeals Officer/ AdminReference no: Brent 5247365Pay Rate: £18.66 per hour PAYE36 Monday – Friday, 08:30 - 16:30This opening assignment is for 2 monthsCity: WEMBLEY, LONDONThe candidate will be responsible for processing challenges and helping reduce the backlog. Knowledge and experience is required in this field. Assess and respond to representations, appeals, and other statutory correspondence which contest parking and traffic related Penalty Charge Notices (principally issued for violation of parking, bus lane, and moving traffic restrictions). Take decisions on whether or not to uphold or cancel Penalty Charge Notices in accordance with council policy and all relevant legislative processes. Key responsibilities: Be highly proficient in the ...

  • Company Lisa Glass (Direct Payments) in Knowsley
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Before applying, make sure you read all the information below:-Female Personal Assistant wanted (female as personal care is required) Full UK Manual Driving Licence 5.6 weeks/16.8 days a year paid holidayRate of pay - £12 per hour and £120 a sleepover.42 hours and 3 sleepovers per week, worked as a rotating shift pattern, allowing for 16 days off within 4 weeksMy name is Lisa Glass, and I’m the director of my own dance company and national dance programmes. I’m looking for a personal assistant with good communication skills to join my amazing team. The role of my Personal Assistant (PA) is to assist me with all aspects of daily living, including personal care, domestic, professional and social activities. I'm a very creative and independent person. I’m looking for someone with a UK manual ...

  • Company Purosearch in Barton-upon-Humber
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Veterinary Surgeon - Salary of up to £75,000 DOE - Exciting opportunity for a Veterinary Surgeon to join a RCVS accredited practice in North Lincolnshire - State-of-the-art facilities including an in-house laboratory, x-ray, dental equipment, tonometer, electrocautery and much more - Health and dental care - £2,000 CPD allowance and full certificate supportEnhance your veterinary career in a supportive and growth-focused environment!Our client is more than just a workplace; they are a dynamic, compassionate, and supportive community that fosters professional growth and development. They understand the excitement and challenges that accompany the start of a veterinary career, which is why they are committed to providing you with the resources you need to flourish in your role. The practice ...

  • Company Purosearch in london
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Veterinary Surgeon - Central London • Located in one of London's most picturesque locales, within the capital's oldest 24-hour hospital, renowned for its stellar reputation• Equipped with state-of-the-art imaging technology and an in-house lab, the practice stands as a beacon of excellence in Central London• Market leading salary up to £76,000 DOE plus a fantastic benefits package • Additional Funding and Support available for certificates• A 4-day workweek with a flexible day off, alongside a 1:4 weekend rotation with generous compensatory time off the following week.Are you seeking to reclaim that sense of being a valued and integral part of a veterinary team? Do you yearn to practice in one of London's most picturesque locales, within the capital's oldest 24-hour hospital, renowned for ...

  • Company Purosearch in Barton-upon-Humber
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Veterinary Surgeon Lincolnshire - Salary of up to £75,000 DOE - Exciting opportunity for a Veterinary Surgeon to join a RCVS accredited practice in North Lincolnshire - State-of-the-art facilities including an in-house laboratory, x-ray, dental equipment, tonometer, electrocautery and much more - Health and dental care - £2,000 CPD allowance and full certificate supportEnhance your veterinary career in a supportive and growth-focused environment!Our client is more than just a workplace; they are a dynamic, compassionate, and supportive community that fosters professional growth and development. They understand the excitement and challenges that accompany the start of a veterinary career, which is why they are committed to providing you with the resources you need to flourish in your role. ...

  • Company Purosearch in london
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Veterinary Surgeon - Central London • Located in one of London's most picturesque locales, within the capital's oldest 24-hour hospital, renowned for its stellar reputation• Equipped with state-of-the-art imaging technology and an in-house lab, the practice stands as a beacon of excellence in Central London• Market leading salary up to £76,000 DOE plus a fantastic benefits package • Additional Funding and Support available for certificates• A 4-day workweek with a flexible day off, alongside a 1:4 weekend rotation with generous compensatory time off the following week.Are you seeking to reclaim that sense of being a valued and integral part of a veterinary team? Do you yearn to practice in one of London's most picturesque locales, within the capital's oldest 24-hour hospital, renowned for ...

  • Company Advance in Redruth
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Position: Support Worker (Waking Nights)Location: Redruth, CornwallHours: 20 contracted hours per week (Mon-Sun, including weekends, and holidays)Salary: £12,761.29 per annum (£12.247 p/h)Job ref: 4040We regret to inform you that Advance is unable to accept any sponsorship requirements.About the Role:Would you like to work somewhere where you get to make a real difference every day?Are you caring, fun and up for a challenge? Are you looking for a career where you get to make a difference to people’s lives? Do you love the idea of no two days being the same? If so, we want to hear from you. Advance are looking for Support Workers in Tolvean, Redruth to support customers with learning disabilities/ autism/ complex needs/ mental health conditions to live the lives they choose. We offer great ...

  • Company Everpool Recruitment Limited in Bank
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Claims Handler - Property FieldHours: Full Time / 37.5 HoursSalary: Up to £24,000 depending on experienceHybrid working available!!We are currently looking for an individual who has experience as a claims handler - ideally within the property sector to join our well established client in Newcastle under Lyme on a permanent and full time basis. The job purposeThis role would involve managing and settling a caseload of insurance claims within the property (home-buyer, protection, gadget, household, leisure and property lines) and provide quality customer service at all times. • To act as the first point of contact with policy holders wishing to make a claim under their designated insurance cover• Create a claims file; accurately logging comprehensive details of the claim.• Handle claims quer...

  • Company Everpool Recruitment Limited in Point
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Claims Handler (Third Party Administration) £22,500 - £24,000 (depending on experience) Hybrid (2 days office, 3 days home based)Monday – Friday 37.5 hours per week between 8am – 6pm Do you have experience working within commercial property or insurance claims? We are currently looking for people with experience, excellent communication, and interpersonal skills to join a Nationwide company with excellent benefits and to kick start an amazing career opportunity. What will you be doing? - You will be to be the first point of contact for customers, ensuring that you collate all the information on the system to ensure the customers journey is seamless. - Where appropriate, investigate cases to ensure all the information is correct - Handle all cases from registration to completion. - Build r...

  • Company Everpool Recruitment Limited in Reading
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Functional Assessor Role Salary: £39,500 Location: Reading Hours: Monday - Friday - 9am-5pm - Full time and part time available Hybrid working ‍Seeking a fresh perspective in healthcare? This is for you! ‍ - This role involves doing functional assessments for people who are claiming employment support allowance (ESA). - You must be an RGN, RMN or OT hold an NMC/HCPC registration and have at least one year’s experience in your position. - Do you still want to use your clinical skills of helping people but want a fresh challenge? Then this is the perfect opportunityfor you. - To ensure you transition and build a strong foundation you will be placed on a 12-week supported training course led by professional clinicians. You will be supported throughout the whole process and have a mentor to g...

  • Company Everpool Recruitment Limited in Bristol
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Functional Assessor Role Salary: £39,500 Location: Bristol Hours: Monday - Friday - 9am-5pm - Full time and part time available Hybrid working ‍Seeking a fresh perspective in healthcare? This is for you! ‍ - This role involves doing functional assessments for people who are claiming employment support allowance (ESA). - You must be an RGN, RMN or OT hold an NMC/HCPC registration and have at least one year’s experience in your position. - Do you still want to use your clinical skills of helping people but want a fresh challenge? Then this is the perfect opportunityfor you. - To ensure you transition and build a strong foundation you will be placed on a 12-week supported training course led by professional clinicians. You will be supported throughout the whole process and have a mentor to g...

  • Company The Coal Authority in Mansfield
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    About YouAre you an aspiring Environmental Chemist or Geochemist looking for a great start to your career?Do you want to make a real impact in protecting the environment from the impacts of past mining activities?Do you enjoy a varied and challenging workload working with a range of stakeholders in both onsite and office locations?If so, read on......The role would ideally suit somebody who has:A background at degree level in Earth/Environmental Sciences or Chemistry and an interest in gaining experience of mine site remediation and mine water treatment.The ability to work well to challenging deadlinesExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsA full UK Driving LicenseA willingness to travel and spend occasional nights away from home We don’t expect candidates to meet every single des...

  • Company Pertemps in Manchester
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Are you interested in finding a healthy and flexible work-life balance in a social, supportive work environment? Are you motivated by being exposed to a range of large projects including tunnels, underground structures, bridges, rail and much more with large international companies? Are you looking to progress within your career through receiving professional training with appropriate funding and mentorship, along with a guaranteed career progression route? Then look no further as my well-established client is looking out for an ambitious and ready-to-learn Graduate Civil Engineer, with a degree in Civil Engineering and/or relevant UK experience of minimum 1+ years' within underground structures, tunnelling and transportation design. The successful candidate will be responsible for the fol...

  • Company Pertemps in Manchester
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Are you interested in finding a healthy and flexible work-life balance in a social, supportive work environment? Are you motivated by being exposed to a range of large projects including tunnels, underground structures, bridges, rail and much more with large international companies on high-profile projects? Are you looking to progress within your career through receiving professional training with appropriate funding and mentorship, along with a guaranteed career progression route? Then look no further as my well-established client is looking out for a skilled Senior / Principal Geotechnical Engineer, with a degree in Civil Engineering and relevant UK experience of minimum 4+ years' within underground structures, groundworks tunnelling, and transportation design. The successful candidate w...

  • Company Pertemps in Manchester
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Are you interested in finding a healthy and flexible work-life balance in a social, supportive work environment? Are you motivated by being exposed to a range of large projects including tunnels, underground structures, bridges, rail and much more with large international companies? Are you looking to progress within your career through receiving professional training with appropriate funding and mentorship, along with guaranteed career progression route? Then look no further as my well-established client is looking out for an ambitious and ready-to-learn Graduate Civil Engineer, with a degree in Civil Engineering and/or relevant UK experience of minimum 1+ years' within underground structures, tunnelling and transportation design. The successful candidate will be responsible for the follo...

  • Company Kent Wildlife Trust in Maidstone
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Job AdvertIt is anticipated that the successful intern will be based out of The Crown Estate’s St James’s Market office, as well as KentWildlife Trust Group’s office near Maidstone, with travel across Kent required at times. Induction, training and work will be amixture of online, and in the office or field. Duration: Full-time (37.5 hrs per week) fixed-term for 6 months from 17th June – 17th December 2024. The opportunity: The Coast Explorer Internship Programme offers a unique opportunity to a candidate who is passionate andenthusiastic about the marine environment. The Coast Explorer Intern will gain skills, knowledge and experience across a varietyof sectors in this exciting field to help direct and shape their future career ambitions. This internship programme is funded by The Crown ...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Banchory
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Job DescriptionDeliver the safe operation of recreational facilities, including swimming pools within a defined geographical area, by assisting the Duty Officer in the development and improvement of all service areas and providing a high standard of customer relations.There is a requirement to undertake manual handling on a daily basis. There is a responsibility for the post holder to demonstrate a commitment to quality service delivery through continuous improvement for the benefit of the Service and the organisation.This post is regulated work with Children and/or Protected Adults under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. The preferred candidate will be required to join the PVG Scheme or undergo a PVG Scheme update check. Where an individual has spent a continuous p...

  • Company Aberdeenshire Council in Aboyne
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Job DescriptionLocation: Upper Deeside, Aboyne, BallaterCould you be instrumental in enabling people in their community to live as independently as possible? Are you the kind of person who wants more out of your job? Are you looking for a career that makes a real difference to people’s lives in your community? Home Care is evolving….. The role of our Home carers has changed and is focusing now on four priority areas:- Enablement / Rapid Response / Complex and palliative care / Remote and rural areas As a Home Carer with Aberdeenshire Council you will work alongside a team of professionals within Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership. You will be involved in providing specialist care and support to service users across these four priorities, to allow service users to build upon t...

  • Company Suffolk County Council in Bury
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    - Suffolk County Council - West Suffolk House, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3YU / Hybrid- £34,834 - £38,223 per annum (pro rata for part time*)- Plus a retention payment of up to £4,000 per annum*- Post 1: 18.5 hours per week- Post 2: 37 hours per week- PermanentWe are focused on making a meaningful difference to communities across Suffolk. If you share the same care, support, and dedication as we do, join our Short Term and Therapeutic Fostering Team as a Social Worker.Here in Suffolk, we are proud to have created an environment where social workers can achieve the outcomes, they came into the profession to do.We were recognised as one of leading social work authorities in the UK, whose children’s services are rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, "Services for children are of an exceptional...

  • Company Suffolk County Council in Ipswich
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 17.04.2024

    - Suffolk County Council - Ipswich- £56,849 - £67,720 per annum (pro rata for part time)- 37 hours per week- PermanentAs a modern, flexible and effective organisation, we’re driven to make a positive difference to Suffolk. That’s why, when you join us as a Senior SEND Service Manager – Assessments, you will be encouraged to share your fresh thinking and empowered to explore new ideas that will shape and improve our services.Reimagine the possibilities.Suffolk County Council has pledged its commitment to improve services for Children and Young People with SEND and features in the Suffolk corporate strategy as a key priority for Suffolk major programmes. Our plans and priorities - Suffolk County CouncilThis is a fantastic opportunity for an experienced senior leader in SEND to join our child...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Huddersfield
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 17.04.2024

    What's involved with this role:Temporary Painter & Decorator - Building ServicesReference no: Kirklees TCL 0008 B23D / 1Pay Rate: £15.43 per hour PAYE37 Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 16:00This opening assignment is for 5-6 monthsCity: HUDDERSFIELDEnhanced DBS disclosure requiredFri 08:00 - 15:30Carrying out dmap and mould treatment across all properties in the Kirklees Area.Key responsibilities: Responsible for the decoration, internal and external, of Council properties, public buildings and schools. Ensure as far as reasonably practicable the satisfaction of the client or tenant with regard to quality of work, prompt services and conduct wherever work is to be carried out. Maintain and promote a favourable business image of the D.L.O. Ensure all relevant records, for example timesheets, ar...

  • Company Triumph Consultants Ltd in Bournemouth
    16.04.2024 Updated on: 17.04.2024

    What's involved with this role: Temporary Business Support Officer/Admin – Resources Job Ref: Bournemouth 5247559Pay Rate: £12.18 per hour PAYE Hours per week: 30 Monday to Friday, normal working hoursRole Length: This opening assignment is for 1-2 monthsCity: Bournemouth, DorsetThe purpose of the role is to carry out a range of administrative duties for the team with limited supervision, which may involve written, telephone or face to face contact with the public or internal colleagues and the application of organisational procedures and systems.NB: Please feel free to apply to us direct via by quoting the job reference and job title exactly.To help speed up the process of uploading your CV to the client we would suggest that you send us your CV in Word format (or equival...

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